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The Resource Library
The resource library is filled with some of my favorite Bible Study tools and resources to help you in your own Bible Study time. Plus, sign up by email to my free member’s area to access my FREE digital downloads!

What You Can Find Inside
Here are a few of my free resources…
- Six Important Questions to Ask Bible Study Worksheets
- Printables, Mini Courses, Digital Downloads
- New Content Added Often
- Announcements and access to Free Online Studies
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In-Depth No Fluff Bible Studies
Looking to go deep into the books of the Bible. Check out our In-depth Bible Studies designed to take you verse by verse, chapter by chapter through entire books.

Three Week In & Out Studies
These in and out studies in Philemon and Jude are designed to take you through the books in three weeks. Reading, writing, and finally answering the study questions.

Bible Reading Guides
These reading guides are the perfect tools to help you keep on track with your daily reading and study in your Bible. Created with suggested questions to guide you through the book and includes a daily reading timeline.

In-Depth Study in Titus
In this three week study you will begin to learn the characteristics of a Titus two Woman. The Titus Two Woman is one who studies and applies all of what God teaches in His Word. This is a great place to start!
My Favorite Bible Study Tools

Biblical Doctrine
This reading and study guide will take you through 11 Old Testament books and 5 Psalms. It is designed to guide you through the text of each book where you the student of God’s Word, record what the text teaches about God, HIStory of redemption, and the coming Messiah.

Inductive study Bible
My Favorite Bible is the New Inductive Study Bible in the NASB version. This Bible is designed with wide margins and double spacing between verses for easy marking of key words and phrases. It comes with detailed instructions for ease of use. It also comes in the ESV version.

Word Study Dictionary
My favorite word study tool is the Zodhiates Word Studies. Every word in the New Testament is explained in great detail. Numbered to the Strong’s Concordance for ease of use. There is also a companion Scripture reference index in the King James version for further study.

Word Study Dictionary
My favorite word study tool is the Zodhiates Word Studies. Every word in the Old Testament is explained in great detail. Numbered to the Strong’s Concordance for ease of use. There is also a companion Scripture reference index in the King James version for further study.

Crayola Twistable Crayons
Crayola Twistable Crayons are the best I have found for marking key words in my New Inductive Study Bible. There is no bleeding or showing through the pages of your Bible. These Twistable Crayons also come with an abundance of colors to help with color coding the text of your Bible

Uniball Colored Pens
Uniball is the best colored pens I have found for marking in my New Inductive Study Bible. Just like the Crayola Twistable Crayons there is no bleeding or showing through the pages of your Bible. They also come in various colors to help with coloring coding the text of your Bible.
OnLine Resources

Blue Letter Bible
Blue Letter Bible is a free, searchable online Bible program providing access to many different Bible translations.

Precept Austin
Precept Austin is a free site complete with Commentaries, teaching the Inductive Bible Study method and more.

Got Questions
Go here if you have a question about God, Jesus, the Bible, or theology or if you need help understanding a Bible verse or passage?
join our online studies
I Host A Study Two TImes a Year
How would you like to participate in an In-Depth BIble Study for FREE? Two times a year I run an online In-Depth Bible Study at no charge to you.
A Little About the Studies
- Studies Can run for as little as three weeks or as much as 12 weeks. This will depend on the study chosen.
- We study an entire book from beginning to end.
- Lessons are designed with study questions to take you through each verse and chapter of the book we choose to study.
- You will receive your lessons through email or in our Free Resource Library during the time of the study.
Once we finish the study online I have the lessons formatted, edited, and made into a workbook. The workbook is then added to my shop at a very low cost. The cost of the workbooks cover running this website and paying for the formatting and editing process.