Here are a few of our Frequently asked Questions and helpful information about Conforming o the TRuths Inductive BIble Studies!
Help! Is My Answer Correct?
I filled out my answers to the questions but am unsure if they are correct. Can you help me? Yes! Yes, I can help you. You can always email me, and we can discuss what is on your mind. But there is something that you need to know to help boost your confidence. My goal in writing the lessons the way I do is to help you search the Scriptures for the answers yourself. What is so important about doing it this way is that, over time, you will begin to see that you are on track in your study.
Most of the questions I write will guide you to the correct answer. Doing it this way, I am teaching you how to study your bible through a process we call hermeneutics and inductive bible study, which answers the questions of who, what, where, when, and why. As you read and study with these guided questions, you will learn the flow of the passage and its context.
If I ask the right questions, which I spend a lot of time studying myself, you will know what I am asking and can answer from the Scripture text. Sometimes, I might confuse you! In this case, please send me an email, and I will do my best to clear up any confusion!
What Bible Version Do You Use?
I use the NASB ( New American Standard Bible) to write the questions for our studies. Can I use a different version of the Bible? Yes! I would recommend the ESV or the LSB. These two versions are the closest in wording to the NASB. However, if you do not have these versions, use what you have; you can still figure out the answers to the questions.
I am New to Bible Study. Is This Going to be to Hard?
These studies are written for any stage in your Christian walk. The questions are formed by looking at the text of Scripture and having you look to God’s word for your answers. They are questions that keep you in the word of God to help you grow in wisdom and knowledge and help you walk in obedience to glorify and honor Him. If you are just starting, it may be overwhelming at first. I understand that. There is a learning process, but studying God’s word and understanding God’s word is not out of reach for any believer. You have a teacher, the Holy Spirit, Who will guide you into all truth. I pray these lessons will help you in the process.
These Lessons are So Long?
These lessons are long. How can I find time to do them? You may feel overwhelmed if this is your first time doing a Conforming to the Truth study. But I want to encourage you to step back, take a breath, and know these studies are doable no matter your time constraints. Although we run our free studies for a few weeks, you can always access them through your email sign-up. Try to stay consistent with the study, which is very beneficial for your soul, but do not develop the mindset you are behind; do not give up and stop. There is no such thing as being behind if you are consistently in your word. Consistency will look different for each person! Generally, our lessons will take 1-3 hours of study a week.
Can I Use These Studies to Teach a Class?
Yes! You can. Women worldwide use Conforming to the Truth lessons in Sunday School Classes, Prison Ministry, and at-home Bible studies. Here is a little bit of information about how this works.
When we produce a workbook, we run it on our site for FREE to anyone who signs up. After the study is completed online, it is added to our Conforming to the Truth shop for purchase. Currently, our studies are PDF downloads, and the cost is minimal. We charge for these studies to help with running this website. If you miss the free online study, there will be a cost for each person participating in your study. You can however, purchase a group price for the studies. Just choose group option at check out in our faith building shop!
We do not have leader guides for the studies. It is something we would like to do. Hopefully, in the future, we can make this happen!
Let’s Talk About Word Studies and Commentaries
You will notice in your lessons that we have you doing word studies. They are essential to help you understand the meaning behind what the writer of the text is conveying. The word study comes with a number for you to use to define the word. This number is taken from the Strong’s Concordance. The Strong’s number is a reference number attached to every word in the Bible. Yes! Even the if, is, a, and, buts. James Strong originally wrote the Strong’s Concordance in the late 1800’s. He took every word in the Bible, numbered it, and wrote the Greek and Hebrew meanings for you and me to understand the scriptures more clearly. What fantastic work, and it is still used today!
What about commentaries while I study? A commentary is a wonderful tool. But! I recommend you not use a commentary until after you have studied the scripture. A commentary is man’s interpretation of the bible. It is not God inspired. So use them, use good ones, but use them with caution.