Fruit of the Spirit: Learn to Cultivate Love, Joy, and Peace in Your Daily Life.
Contrary to what we think or others say, love, joy, and peace are not feelings. Our feelings ebb and flow like waves on the sea. These unstable feelings leave us wanting, doubting, and discouraged, and they leave others floating in the waves of however we feel in the moment. Because they are not feelings, we must learn what they are and begin cultivating a daily life of love, joy, and peace that aligns with the truths in the Bible.
Love, joy, and peace, the first three of the nine fruits mentioned in Galatians 5:22, are produced by the indwelling Holy Spirit! This Fruit is not something you or I can produce on our own and is not subject to how we feel but how we are called to act and respond according to the will of God.
There must be an abiding root, the seed of God, living in us for true godly love, joy, and peace to help us live our lives to the glory of God and live in the love, joy, and peace only Christ provides.
What is so remarkable about His calling is that not only does He command, but He also provides how we can and must walk. God produces love, joy, and peace in our hearts to help us live as His children. Out of His abundant love and kindness, He gives all we need for life and godliness.
Since the world has one definition of love, joy, and peace, and God has another, we must know what the Bible says to ensure we cultivate a harvest of godly Fruit.
The world will define the meaning of love, joy, and peace the same as the Bible. However, lived out, they will look much different.
When love, joy, or peace require perfect conditions for us to love back and experience joy or peace in our circumstances, we live according to the flesh or how the world lives.
As believers, our calling is to suffer just as Christ suffered, and in that suffering, to love with joy inexpressible (1 Peter 1:8) with a peace that passes all understanding. ( Philippians 4:7)
What a difference in the response.
Responding differently does not mean we are robots without feelings or emotions. But when hurt, disappointment, sadness, or trouble come, we take those feelings and emotions and conduct ourselves accordingly under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Practical Tips for Cultivating a Daily Life of Love, Joy, and Peace
We can live daily in godly love, joy, and peace if we are cultivating or pursuing a life lived to the glory of God. But what does that look like in practice? Here are a few tips to help you in your journey.
Daily Live on Your God-Given Faith
Hebrews 11:1 tells us faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. We can live daily by faith and absolute trust in the One who loved us and gave His life for us. When we understand God is in complete control of all things and governs our lives with His Word, love, joy, and peace will not be hard to live in.
Stop Trying to Produce Fruit, Cultivate it.
In every human resides the desire to control. Somehow, we believe we can do all things on our own. It is a part of our fallen nature, and thankfully, Jesus came to set us free and give us the power to live in Him.
We cannot produce the fruit of love, joy, or peace. Only the Holy Spirit living within us can. It is among the many blessings we receive as a child of God. Trying to manufacture or build in our strength will only lead to less love, joy, and peace. Live in the power and freedom He provides.
Practice Spiritual Disciplines
What else can you do to cultivate a daily life of love, joy, and peace? Last but certainly not least is to pray, read, and study your Bible. Addressing everyday situations with the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding God provides makes so much difference. We can only learn true godly, Holy Spirit wrought, love, joy, and peace from the Teacher.
Praise and Thank God For His Abundant Love
Remember who you once were. Walking according to the course of this world. Fulfilling the desires of your heart and walking in your own way of doing things. Blind to the things of God. But God, being rich in mercy, made you alive together with Christ. Ephesians 2:4
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