As a bible study writer, I am all for you being in your word studying and reading. But at the same time, neither of us needs to forget that bible study does not save you. Only Christ does while remembering there are great benefits to studying the bible.
In John 5:39, Jesus is talking to the Pharisees, and He says, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me.” In the context of John 5:39, it was the Scriptures of the Old Testament testifying about Christ. Although the Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments strengthen us, encourage us, grow our confidence in God, and witness about the Christ, Christ is our life, not the bible.
Bible Study Can be an Idol
My pastor told me once that bible study could be an idol. At the time, I did not understand how that was possible. But as I have grown in my walk with Christ, I must agree that he was/is right. I read this on a blog as I was researching the subject.
“By trying to derive false life from their confident knowledge of Scripture instead of the One Scripture points to, these leaders had made an idol of their knowledge of Scripture.”
Greg Boyd-When the Bible Becomes an Idol
There is nothing wrong with diligent study of the bible. Jesus was not correcting these leaders because they studied. He told them they were resting in their knowledge and belief, not in Him. They desired salvation or eternal life but not Christ.
We must remember why we study. Bible study does not give salvation nor keep us in Christ. It provides wisdom and understanding about Christ and how we are to walk to glorify Him. We look to it to learn not to work but conform to the work of the Spirit in our hearts and mind.
Bible Study Does Not Save You: Salvation is a work of Christ Alone
We are not saved by works or how much we know the scriptures or what we believe about the scriptures. We could have the entire bible memorized and not be saved. Satan quoted the bible in Matthew 4. He could probably quote it better than most of us—what a terrifying reality.
Greg Boyd also says this in his article- When the BIble Becomes an Idol.
What we believe can transform what we believe into an idol that actually blocks us from getting life from Christ—even when what we believe is completely true! And this happens whenever we are confident we’re okay with God because of what we believe rather than because of our relationship with the one true source of life. If what makes us feel okay with God is our confidence in the correctness of our beliefs, then our confidence in our beliefs is, in effect, our God.
Our Confidence and Hope Rest in Christ
We can study and study hard and still be wrong about some of the teachings in the bible. How many of us can raise our hands and say we have not been corrected by the word of God about some of the things we believe? I can bet we would have fought to the death over that belief too, only to find out later we were wrong. I have been there.
We can trust the word of God, its accuracy and sufficiency, but you and I must remain humble, finding our confidence and hope in Christ alone not the things we believe.
The Benefits of Bible Study
Benefit # 1: The Bible Teaches
Although we do not derive our salvation from the Scriptures there are great benefits from the study of the bible. It does tell us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12. The benefit of scripture knowledge gives understanding about salvation, what it looks like and from where it originates. Blessed is the man whom You chasten, O LORD, and whom you teach out of Your law.
Benefit # 2: The Bible Reproves
Reproof means to blame or disapproval. Reproof or we could say conviction is meant to bring someone, to the point of recognizing wrongdoing. The scriptures point out the errors of our ways and shines the light on the path of righteousness.
Benefit #3: The Bible Corrects
We talked earlier about being wrong in some of the things we believe. The Bible is what corrects our misunderstandings of the scriptures and judges the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. Hebrews 4:12. I have had bad attitudes about things and the word of God met me where I was. It opened and laid bear my heart.
Benefit # 4: The Bible Trains in Righteousness
Righteousness is the rightness of our character before God and our actions toward man. God is the standard of righteousness and truth. From this standard of truth taught in the bible we conform to the word and will of God. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him. 1 John 2:29
Why does the bible teach, reprove, correct, and train in righteousness? So that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. The bible is the breathed out word of God. It is useful, beneficial for those who are in Christ.
Read it. Study it. Memorize it. Know it. But rest in Christ for your salvation and nothing else.
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