What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life —and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us—1 John 1:1-2
John saw Christ and walked with Christ side by side on this earth. He heard His teachings and watched Him go about His Father’s business. He knew Jesus was the Messiah, He was God with us, our Saviour. You and I walk in a different way with Christ. We cannot touch Him, we cannot look Him in the face but we can walk with Him! We hear Him teach through the words of Scripture and we see and understand His works of salvation.
God inspired John to pen this letter to the church to warn against false teaching and help us know if we are truly in the faith. You do not want to miss studying through this short but theologically rich book.
With 10 in-depth question led lessons, 1 John: So You May Know, will help you grow in faith, work out your salvation, and grow to know God more.
I Know, So Can You,
Lisa Morris
What is the 1 John Inductive Bible Study?
I am so excited to introduce our latest inductive bible study in the book of 1 John. This 1 John Bible study helps you dig deep into the word of God. It features ten in-depth lessons taking you verse by verse through the book of 1 John.
How the 1 John Inductive Study is Formatted
The 1 John inductive bible study is created to walk you through every verse of this five chapter book. It features ten lessons with study questions designed to walk you through 1 John to uncover the truths written in this book.
What is the Layout Like?
The layout is structured for you to open your bible and walk through the book of 1 John verse by verse at your own pace. The study includes word studies and cross referencing to help in your interpretation of the text.

How Long Does My Study Take Each Day?
Study time for each day varies. The study is made up of ten lessons. Each lesson contains guided study questions. The number of questions for each lesson depends on the depth of the passages being studied. You are also encouraged to read the book of 1 John each day of your study. Work at your own pace and answer the questions you can in your bible study time. Give yourself the opportunity to meditate and pray over the section you are studying.
How Long is the 1 John Inductive Bible Study?
The 1 John Bible study is written in ten in-depth lessons. The lessons are not dated so you can begin and end at your own pace.
Is This a Physical Bible Study?
Our 1 John Inductive BIble Study is available in a PDF Digital download. After purchase in our faith building shop you will have immediate access to your study. No physical product will be mailed. This PDF digital download is compatible with Goodnotes.