Paul said, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6
Since the moment God breathed new life into your soul, He has been working. Paul confidently tells us His work is good, and it never stops!
We see in Genesis 1 that everything God created He proclaimed as good or very good. God’s works from Genesis 1 until the day of Christ Jesus are good.
His good work does not stop at creation; He desires, can, and does transform or sanctify those who are in Christ Jesus. What a comforting truth for those who are His!
Put faithful confidence in your God to transform you into the image of His Son, to carry you under His wing until the day Jesus returns to take you home!
Let’s Be Women Who Confidently Trust God to Complete His Work in Us!
Learn more about finding confidence and Joy in the Lord from our Inductive BIble Study in Philippians