The quickest route to spiritual maturity is through the Bible.
“The Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual perfection. And we must not select a few favorite passages to the exclusion of others. Nothing less than a whole Bible can make a whole Christian.”
– A.W. Tozer
Would you like to start 2024 with a collection of inductive bible studies to help you in your bible study time? Is it your desire to grow in maturity and know God more? We are giving away nine of our inductive bible studies to help you get organized and to help you grow in faith and practice in 2024!
Enter to Win Nine Inductive Bible Studies!
This give away has ended but you an purchase all of these studies in our faith building shop.

James: Learning to Walk in Genuine Faith
The Book of James is a powerful book in the New Testament. This James in-depth Bible study will take you verse-by-verse through the book of James, exploring its key themes and teachings. You will learn what genuine faith looks like, the importance of faith, hope, and love, and discover how to apply these truths to your walk with Christ. Learn more here.
1 Corinthians: Letting Go of the World
If we laid the book of 1 Corinthians on top of the church today, we would not be able to tell if it was written over 2000 years ago or today! That is how relevant this letter to the church is for us today. There is nothing new under the sun, and sin still prevails. Sin is still sin no matter the time or culture in which we live. Learn more here.
Ephesians: A Believers Walk With God
This in-depth study in the book of Ephesians will open the door for you to see New Testament doctrine and show you the practical walk of every believer. In Ephesians, Paul confirms the unity in Christ of the believer. He gives practical instruction for our relationships with those in the church, our families, friends, and the world. He ends by encouraging the believer to stand firm against the devil’s schemes and stand firm in Christ. Learn more here.
1 Thessalonians: Accepting the Word of God
If you scan the landscape of our time, you can see a culture that strictly runs on feelings. Facts are out the door. All of the ideas and principles of the world can attach themselves to us and, unless we fight back, will take root.But, the children of God have a solid foundation of FACTS on which we can stand. The Truth and facts of Who God is and the gospel of Christ are ours in abundance! Learn more here.
Ruth: Learning God’s Sovereign Providence
Sometimes we make decisions with a specific end in mind, only to walk into it and realize it is not going the way WE planned. Has this ever happened to you? Naomi and Elimelech experienced this when they left Bethlehem and settled in a new place with their family. Learn more here.
Colossians: Living Christ Centered
What a time we live in. The problems Paul addresses in the early church are still our problems today. There will always be those who oppose the gospel, distort the gospel, and malign who our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What is a church to do? Paul puts it quite simply in Colossians 2:6 Saints you received Jesus Christ, so walk in Him. Sounds easy right? In many ways, it is because we have a heavenly Father who protects, guides and directs us. Learn more here.
Romans: The Good News of Grace
The book of Romans unfolds the good news of grace, truth, and redemption but first exposes our sins, our standing before a Holy, righteous God, and our need for a Savior. Learn more here.
Psalm 119: A Heart of Faith
Do you trust God with every detail of your life? Do you and I really believe every word that proceeds from God’s mouth, our Bibles? We trust Him with our eternal future but do we trust Him today? Do we trust that no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, He is with us and will guide and direct us? Learn More here.
Philippians: Christ: Our Joy
The book of Philippians is often referred to as the Epistle or letter of Joy. In this small letter we meet the apostle Paul content and confident because of Christ. He learned contentment and joy from the things he suffered for the cause of Christ. He encourages the christians in Philippi to rejoice in the Lord always. Learn more here.