Christ is supreme. He is the highest in authority, greatest in importance, and the most significant in character and achievement. Since Christ is the supreme One, we must look to Him in every area of our lives to walk worthy of His calling. We cannot think we are the supreme ones depending on our strength, wisdom, knowledge, and worth.
Today, look to Jesus the author and perfecter of your faith. Praying you live in the joy of the Lord who is your strength, your hope, and your shelter.
Walking in His Authority, Lisa Morris
Experience the joy only found in living under the authority and headship of Jesus Christ through our Colossians Study Journal.
What is the Colossians Study Journal?
I am so excited to introduce our first study journal. For years, I desired to create a journal to walk you through an entire book of the Bible. In-depth Bible Study is my main focus, writing questions to walk you through a text of Scripture. I do not believe that will ever change. But I wanted to create a journal you work through without the guided questions.
How the Study Journal is Formatted
The Colossians Study journal helps you work through the word of God. It features 21 days of journaling space. Each day has specific passages designated for that day’s study, journaling space for what you are learning, applying the word, and prayer. There is also space for you to write the passage for the day.
What is the Layout Like?
The daily layout is structured for you to open the book of Colossians and study each verse. It includes daily disciplines to grow your faith in Christ and strengthen your walk as you study your Bible.

How Long Does My Study Take Each Day?
Study time varies. It depends on the length of the passage assigned for the day and how much you dig in the verses. On the average it will take 30 minutes per day.
How Long is the Colossians Study Journal?
The journal contains 21 days of consecutive study. However, it is undated. So you can start anytime and do not have to complete in 21 continuous days.
Do I Use the Verses Assigned for My Study for the Day?
Yes! The study journal is designed with a specific passage from the book of Colossians to study and meditate on each day. The passages are laid out systematically for you to work through Colossians from beginning to end, ensuring each verse is kept in its context to help you properly apply the Scriptures.
Is This a Physical Journal?
At this time our Colossians Study journal is a PDF Digital download. Once purchased in our faith building shop you will have immediate access to your journal. The journal is created in a beautiful colorful design. However, you can choose to print it in black and white. No physical product will be mailed. This PDF digital download is compatible with Goodnotes.

Is This Colossians Study Journal on Sale?
Yes! To celebrate our new Journal we are offering it for only $10.00. This offer runs through November 30th, 2023.