When I was younger, I would read the Bible in waves. At times, I would read it consistently. At other times, I would not read it at all. As I grew older, reading my Bible was not even on my radar, and studying, well, it was nonexistent. If you are a child of God, He will, in His own way, get your attention. One Sunday morning, as I listened to my Sunday School teacher teach the importance of Bible reading and study, I was greatly convicted. That morning, God put a great desire in my heart to read and study my Bible. I went on a quest to learn how to read and study properly. Never looking back I learned and grew to understand why Bible study is worth it.
Consistent Bible study provides the way for us to deepen our faith, grow spiritually, and lead us to personal transformation. Spending time working through books and chapters of our Bibles keeps us focused and helps put the word of God in our minds and hearts.
Study Promotes Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is growing more and more into Christ’s likeness. When God saves us by His grace alone, sanctification begins. The old nature begins to be replaced by the new Christlike nature. Sanctification or spiritual growth is a lifelong process. This growth depends on our study and applying what God’s word teaches.
Our sanctification is God’s will. 1 Thessalonians 4:3. He desires us to grow in godliness. He provides us with the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth, and also provides the 66 books that make up His word to grow our knowledge and love for Him, leading to spiritual growth.
Bible Study is worth it because It Increases Our Faith.
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1. As you and I make it a practice in our lives to study the Bible, our assurance and confidence grow. God has designed through the preaching of the word and the study of the Bible to strengthen and increase our faith. Spending time in Bible study is worth it.
Study Leads to Personal Growth.
The call of every believer is a call to grow in grace. Growing in grace is a personal call to you and me—a summons to move forward and not stand still. Spending time in the reading and study of God’s word is a moving forward to grow more in wisdom and understanding of God and the gospel. We are in a living relationship with the living Christ. This relationship is fostered through knowing and learning the doctrines or teachings found in our Bibles.
Bible Study Promotes Community and Connection
Every believer is commanded to assemble together. Hebrews 10:25. We come together on Sunday mornings to worship God through singing and the preaching and teaching of the word of God. You might be surprised to know that your time spent in your Bible is an essential part of Sunday morning worship.
Bible study contributes to a connection with other brothers and sisters in Christ. We come together with shared beliefs and values. These beliefs and values are learned, shared, and lived out with a body of believers, the church.
After studying the Bible for decades, I can say without hesitation it literally changes your life. You will grow in wisdom understanding of God, and more confidently face each day He gives to you. You will meet every challenge steadfast in hope, not wavering like the waves of the sea. James 1:6. I encourage you to make Bible study a priority in your Christian walk. See what God can do.