It is time to sit down to study your Bible, but you hesitate because you sometimes walk away more confused than when you started. In your mind, confusion and Bible Study should not go hand in hand. You might think a believer should understand every word written in the Bible. I thought that for many years. But there is freedom when you let go of perfectionism and embrace the timing and teaching of the Holy Spirit.
Although now I see confusion as a normal part of Bible Study, let’s talk about some ways to help you overcome at least most of your confusion.
Confusion in Bible Study Is Normal
The Bible can be confusing at times. Take a breath of relief. Paul gives us some encouraging words in 1 Corinthians 13:12, “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face, now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully know.”
While we live in our earthly bodies, there will be passages of Scripture we will not understand. They will puzzle us, and we will not fully know or understand everything.
The Bible is where we develop our knowledge of God, grow to know Him more fully, and learn the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nothing, especially confusion, should keep us from studying. Except it as normal but keep studying.
Overcome Confusion in Bible Study With A Good Bible Translation.
Having a good translation and version of the Bible is essential. There are many translations and interpretations in the year 2023. So many, in fact, it can be confusing to decide which to use. Choose a good translation. I do not claim to be an expert in choosing a translation, but for study purposes, I use the NASB translation. It is a word-for-word translation, making it as close to Greek as possible. There are some bad ones out there so do your research. Logos has a great article on choosing a good bible translation.
Overcome Confusion in Bible Study By Proper Biblical Interpretation
There are right and wrong ways to approach the study of the Bible. We never interpret a verse or passage based on feelings. The Bible does not agree with our thoughts or ideas. Quit the opposite; we go to the Bible and have it inform our thoughts, opinions, and ideas and renew our minds accordingly. Romans 12:1-2.
There are principles of interpretation essential for you and me to learn to interpret the Scriptures correctly. Ligonier Ministries has an excellent article to help with proper interpretation.
Finding Good Resources for Bible Study Helps Overcome Your Confusion.
Commentaries are a great resource. Like anything else, there are terrible ones out there. So again, do your research and consult solid, theological, rich ones. Precept Austin is a great online resource with solid biblical commentary. NOTE: I support reading and studying your Bible first before consulting a commentary. Remember, a commentary is a work done by someone else. They are not Holy Spirit-inspired like the word of God. Be wise.
Another good resource is good, in-depth, inductive Bible Studies that take you through books of the Bible verse by verse. Do not look for studies full of commentary that make you feel good about yourself. Pick studies that reveal the truth about yourself and ones that make your heart praise God for His marvelous grace.
So, if you often come away confused after Bible Study, be encouraged by knowing there are great helps out there for you to explore. But more importantly, you have a teacher, the Holy Spirit, living in you to guide you into all truth.
Take heart, knowing that some confusion is a normal part of Bible Study until we see Him face to face!