What is Spiritual Doubt, and How Does it Impact Your Faith?
The Bible defines Spiritual Doubt as wavering between two minds, lacking confidence, assurance, and complete trust in God. In the book of James, we see a doubter described as a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.
Are you a doubter? All believers doubt some aspect of their faith at some point in their spiritual walk. You may doubt your salvation, the promises of God, God’s love for you, or the truths contained in the Bible. Although it is a normal part of living in this fallen world, doubt can negatively affect your walk with Christ if not kept in check through consistent time in Bible Study, prayer, and regular attendance in your local church. How to overcome your spiritual doubt.
When Spiritual Doubt arises, Address it Sooner Than Later.
When you find yourself doubting, it is vital to address it immediately. Do not let it go with the attitude that it does not matter. It does matter, and if left unchecked, it can lead to more doubt and insecurity. God calls and equips those who are His to live in confidence, peace, and joy. If you doubt that, keep reading because I have Bible Study tips to help you overcome your spiritual doubt!
Understanding Spiritual Doubt
For many reasons, any one of us can fall into spiritual doubt. It could be a lack of instruction in the home, a bad experience with a church, fear, unresolved guilt, lack of prayer, inconsistent time in God’s Word, incorrectly studying the Bible, or erratic attendance with your church family, to name a few.
No matter the cause or reason, you are not alone! I have doubted many things over the years, and several people mentioned in the word of God experienced spiritual doubt.
Even after spending time with Christ, listening to Him, and witnessing many miracles, Thomas doubted. John the Baptist, who came preaching repentance for the forgiveness of sins, doubted. See Matthew 11:1-6. Abraham, the father of many nations, doubted God, who told him he would have a son in his old age.
Doubt is a part of our faith walk. Michael Patton put it well when he said, “Doubt is the gap between our current faith and perfect faith.”
We will have Perfect faith when we see Jesus face to face. Until then, you and I must fight the good fight of faith and conquer our spiritual doubts!
Bible Study Tips to Strengthen Your Faith
Bible study is one of the most effective tools to help you overcome spiritual doubt. The writer of Hebrews tells us that the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
God knows your heart, intentions, thoughts, and desires. If you are struggling with spiritual doubt, He knows, and through His word, with guidance from the Holy Spirit, will guide you into all truth and set you free.
1) Read Your Bible Regularly.
Regularly reading God’s word will put His word in your heart. Through reading His word, you will learn the attributes and character of God the truths of the gospel, and you will learn about yourself. When reading your Bible, be sure to read complete books of the Bible from beginning to end. Reading from beginning to end will help keep everything the writer communicates in context. Over time, regular reading will help turn your doubt into trust and confidence.
2) Study the Bible In Detail.
Detailed study of the Bible is digging in and answering questions that may have come to mind as you regularly read. While reading, keep a notepad with you so you can write down any questions you may have.
Pick a solid, in-depth Bible study, one that will take you through a book of the Bible verse by verse. Believers do not need fluff or studies that pet our flesh. We need solid biblical truths that wound to heal. You can find in-depth studies in our faith-building shop.
3) Pray and Meditate During your Reading and Study Time.
Use your gift of prayer to ask God to teach and train you through His word. Reflect and meditate on truths that stand out to you and facts you do not understand. It is okay if you do not understand all of God’s word. Why would we need Him or the Holy Spirit if we knew it all? Not knowing can help grow your faith and trust in God.
Find someone older in the faith and talk to them about your spiritual doubts. Iron sharpens iron. They will be able to pray with you and share some of the same struggles they have in common with you.
Strengthening Your Confidence in Faith
I hope it strengthens your confidence in your faith by knowing I have struggled and overcome many doubts I have wrestled with. It was God working through prayer, bible study, mentors, and my local church.
God is faithful no matter our circumstances and our doubts. If we ask and seek His face, He will answer.
Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
Spiritual doubt does not need to paralyze your walk with Christ. Do not be afraid to call it what it is and call out to God Who is there waiting and ready to answer your cry for help and set you on the right path!
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