Introducing 1 Thessalonians, Believing the Word of God. Our Bible study in 1 Thessalonians: Taking the Word of God as the Word of God, is now available in the shop! This article written by Lisa Morris the author of this study will give you an introduction to this study, what to expect as you study and help answer any questions you have.
Introducing 1 Thessalonians: Believing the Word of God
If you scan the landscape of our time you can see a culture that strictly runs on feelings. Facts are out the door. All of the worlds ideas and principles can attach themselves to us and unless we fight back, will take root.
But, the children of God, have a solid foundation of FACTS on which we can stand. The truth and facts of Who God is and the gospel of Christ are ours in abundance! While we walk in this world regardless of the situations that surround us we can and should find joy in Lord!
The church in Thessalonica walked in the joy of the Lord. What a great example we have to help encourage us as we walk just as they did. Our circumstances look a little different but the underlying principle of walking in joy is the same!
I praise God He gives the power and the means to fight! He provides us with the conviction and power of His Spirit and His Word, our Bibles, to train and guard our hearts.
Read His word and pray for wisdom and understanding. Stand up and walk in the joy of the Lord!
Lack of Discipline Produces Lack of Joy
Do you ever find yourself lacking joy? Do you wonder why? Could it be a lack of discipline in your Bible study? I find myself joyless at time and more often than not is it is because I have neglected meeting with God in His Word. There are other reasons for joylessness, but I believe one of the main reasons is not meeting with the Lord in His Word.
Bible study is much more than picking up your Bible and answering a few questions, looking for key words and phrases, and marking up the text. These tools are a wonderful way to dig deep into the Scriptures but if the end result is only knowledge without cultivating fear and wisdom, we have missed the whole point.
Discipline is a means of godliness and a starting point of knowing and growing in Christ.
Study 1 Thessalonians as Part of Cultivating Discipline
Bible study is such an important part of the Christian life. Through it we learn about God and how He instructs us to walk in obedience to Him. We learn what God requires through His word. It is not enough to just read and study. You and I are called to be doers of God’s word. Jesus says in John 14:15, “If you Love Me You will keep my commandments.”
The church at Thessalonica walked what they knew and believed in obedience, 1 Thessalonians 1:6 tells us they became imitators of Paul, Silas, and Timothy. But more importantly they were imitators of Christ.
1 Timothy 6:7 instructs the believer to discipline themselves for goliness. As christians cultivating a life of spiritual discipline is essential. In Hebrews 12;14, we learn that without sanctification, holiness, no one will see God. Cultivation, discipline requires work. Part of that work includes bible study.
I pray by the end of this six week Bible Study, you will full of Joy cultivated by your disciplined time in God’s word!
The joy of the Lord is our strength.
Learning the Truth of God’s Word Beside You,
Founder and Author of 1 Thessalonians: Believing the Word of God
What is 1 Thessalonians Believing the Word of God About?
This six lesson Bible study takes you through the entire book of 1 Thessalonians. For both the New Testament church and for us today, this study will teach us the gospel is not from man but is God’s, you can have assurance of salvation, and truths from the text which describe those who are in christ.
How is This Bible Study Laid Out and How Long?
1 Thessalonians: Believing the Word of God, is an in-depth six lesson study.
• Six lessons of verse by verse study through the book of 1 Thessalonians.
• Word Studies and Cross Referencing to help give deeper meaning of the text and give context not only from 1 Thessalonians from the entire BIble teaches. Scripture interprets Scripture.
• This workbook is 8.5X5.5 and is 47 pages long.
• Please note this Workbook is a Digital PDF Download: No physical copy will be mailed