Two Free Bible Reading Plans
It is almost the new year, and with that comes new year’s resolutions and, for many, a commitment to finally pick up their Bibles and read them cover to cover in a year. I have created two free Bible reading plans to help you in your bible reading time. But before we look at those, I would like to say a few words about reading and studying your bibles.
Time For a Change of Mind!
I want to encourage you to change your thinking about bible reading and study. Bible reading and study is not an activity to be completed with the attitude of I have that done now I can move on. Bible study for the child of God is a lifetime of learning. Always consider yourself a student of God’s Word.
We will always or should always be students of God’s word. The Bible is not a book to be completed and set on a shelf with other books we have read. You and I can never complete the study of God’s Word. It is always relevant and has every answer to all the questions we have. So let’s keep it were we can refer to it often and hide it in our hearts that we may not sin against God.
Bible reading and study are more than a resolution. Although resolutions can be good and helpful and there is nothing wrong and everything right with resolving to be a student of the word, it should never be approached with a one year commitment in mind. Rather it should be approached as a day to day desire for the rest of your life.
Now that you have a changed your thinking about Bible study and reading let’s look at my two reading plans.
Ready to begin your Bible reading plan?
I can’t wait for you to start!
Old and New Testament Bible Reading Plan
I have created these reading plans to take you through the old or new testament in 52 weeks. Yes. That is one year, but the great thing about this plan is that it does not have to start on January 1st. You may find yourself here after January 1st, wanting to read through the old or new testament without a plan. Most reading plans have dates for you to check off after reading. This one does not. I have set it up in weeks instead of dates. Look at this example.

Read Each Book More Than One Time.
I designed these free bible reading plans for you to read books more than once in the 52-week time frame. For example, if you choose the New Testament plan, you will read the book of Matthew six times in three weeks. If you choose the Old Testament reading plan, you will read Genesis four times in two weeks. See the examples above.
We Need Another Change in Our Thinking!
We may need another shift in our thinking about bible reading. It is incredible that you and I can be influenced and trained by the culture or the church’s way of thinking. Reading plans have trained us to think it is only necessary or possible to read a few Bible verses daily. They do not advertise themselves this way. And I am not saying the approach is bad or wrong or that there is any ill intent on the part of the creators, but we can become so accustomed to only reading a few verses a day that we may think it impossible or absurd to read 7-12 chapters a day.
You may gasp and close your mind to the opportunity to read so many passages a day before you even give it a chance because we are influenced and have become slaves to our schedules.
We think it is impossible and daunting. For some reason, we can pick up a novel and read half the book in a few hours or spend hours on the internet without giving it a second thought. But when it comes to God’s word, our thoughts and attitudes change.
It is time for a heart change that can only come from asking God to change our hearts and minds and give us the desire to read and study His word.
Why Read the Books Multiple Times?
Why have I designed this reading plan for you to read books multiple times? Being repetitive is a way to help you remember and almost memorize what you are reading.
When studying a book of the Bible, I read that book either every day, depending on the size of the book, or at least two or three times a week. It helps me retain more of what the book is about and familiarizes me with the context. Both of these are important for understanding and applying the word of God.
A Few Things to Remember About Bible Reading
Bible reading is different than bible study. Both are very important in the life of a believer. Bible reading familiarizes us with each book giving an overall view of the Scriptures. It also gets the word of God in our hearts and minds.
Bible study takes us deeper into each verse and passage and helps our interpretation and application. I recommend doing both each day.
Let’s Read the Bible!
Now it is time to pick your free bible reading plan. You decide. Do you want to spend 52 weeks in the New Testament or the Old! You cannot go wrong either way! Let me know what you decide and why!