There is Really Only One Reason We Do Not Read Our Bibles!
People give many reasons for not reading their Bibles. Let’s be honest and talk about the real reason we do not read our bible. There is only one valid reason we give for not reading our Bibles, and it is not valid. Before we get into the excuse, let’s look at some common reasons people give for not reading their Bibles.
- The Bible Makes Me Feel Uncomfortable. (It should)
- Our relationship with God is deficient. (This can be true)
- It is hard. (It is not)
- Some believe the Bible is Optional. ( It is Not)
- Instagram, Facebook, Google Faith. (Another Post on this Later)
All of these reasons, and there are more than I can put in this article, need addressing, but we will stick to one invalid reason today.
Number One Excuse: We Do Not Have The Time!
There are 365 days, 52 weeks, and 12 months every year. In each of the 365 days, there are 24 hours for a total of 8760 hours a
Why do we give ourselves an excuse not to read our Bibles?
If you say you do not have the “time” to read or study our Bibles in this God-given time, you are not alone. I have fallen for the trap myself, and according to some research, this is true of other believers.
Look at the results of a study sponsored by Lifeway. Source: When Christians Just Do Not Read the Bible, By Tim Challies.
“A third of Americans who attend a Protestant church regularly (32%) say they read the Bible personally every day. Around a quarter (27%) say they read it a few times a week.” They divide the results demographically and provide lots more information, but the facts are clear enough: plenty of good, Christian, Bible-believing folk are not spending time in the Word every day or even every week.”
I call it a trap because it is. It is a scheme played on our minds to keep us from the Word of God.
Why are we falling for it?
God’s Word is breathed out, inspired to teach, reproof (to show disapproval of something), correct, and train in righteousness so that the man of God, that’s you and me, would be adequate and equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
We walk around in anxiety and lack of peace, knowledge, and wisdom because we do not know the God of the Word, all the while having what we need in perfect reach. We also have our teacher, the Holy Spirit, dwelling in us to guide us into all truth. John 16:13
We All Have The Same Amount of Time
We all have the same amount of time every day. Each of us uses it differently. We do not all work the same jobs, get up at the same time, or go to bed at the same.
Each of us set aside hours of the day for work, school, church, doctor’s appointments, sleep, and so forth. So we have some fixed hours in our day, but we also have other hours when you and I decide what we will do with them.
What do you choose in the hours you have the autonomy to choose?
Of course, that answer will be different for all of us. But in those hours, and minutes you have, are you choosing wisely?
Are you setting aside time to feed and nurture your souls? Are you learning to trust the One who saved your life?
If you are not reading and studying the Bible, you are not.
Legalistic or Relationship?
Some of you may be thinking we are about to get a legalistic speech and a laundry list of ideas about
how often,
what time of the day
and how much
I need to be reading the Bible. Maybe, maybe not!
Legalistic-Bible Reading
Let’s start this conversation by looking at what I will call legalistic-bible reading and how that might look.
What if I told you that you must read your Bible one hour daily facing the east on your knees? Or you should be following a read through the Bible in a year plan, maybe tell you a verse or book to read or how many verses a day or even in a year you should read. That would be what I will call legalistic-bible reading.
However helpful these tools are, they are not necessarily necessary.
What I mean is this, if you are new to Christianity, or maybe you are not, and you need some helpful ideas and tools to guide you in your Bible reading and study time, use them, seek them out, and do not shy away from them. But remember, the tools mentioned above are not set in stone; you must do activities. Except you do need to be reading and studying your Bible!
That statement is not legalistic. Bible reading and study are necessary for your spiritual life and walk with Christ no matter how you format your time.
Relationship-Bible Reading
If reading your Bible consistently is not legalistic, what is it? I am going to call it relationship-Bible reading.
Before you or I became followers of Christ, we were followers of this world. We were in a relationship with ourselves and followed the course of this world. Ephesians 2:1-3 We did not know God, honor God or give Him thanks. Romans 1:21
But God being rich in mercy and because of His great love with which He loved us, saved us, raised us up with Christ, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ! Ephesians 2:4-6 RELATIONSHIP!
If we are in Christ we no longer walk according to the course of this world because He/God rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son. Colossians 1:13
We walk according to His kingdom. A kingdom in which we are called to be holy because He is holy.
Called to walk worthy of His calling.
Called to sanctification because it is God’s will for those who are His.
Therefore, Bible reading and study is based on a relationship and a desire to know God, who He is and how He requires us to live.
We build relationships with our spouses, family, and friends by spending time with them and getting to know them. Our relationship with God through Jesus Christ is much the same. However, it is much more important than any relationship we have on this earth. By being in His word, we learn and grow in Him and at the same time build stronger relationships with others while on this earth.
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Consequences for Not Reading Our Bibles
For a believer in Jesus Christ, there are consequences for not reading our Bible. After a while of not going to the word, we can become apathetic and show no feeling, desire, or interest towards it. When we show no interest in it, we are showing no interest in knowing God, Christ, or growing in righteousness.
What are some consequences for not reading and studying our Bibles?
We assume on the character of God.
If we are not in the word letting God tell us who He is and His character, we develop our ideas over time. This is a very dangerous place to be. We are talking about the creator and sustainer of all life, not the guy next door. The world’s ideas and views will slowly creep into our thoughts and form what we believe about God and who He is. READ YOUR BIBLE!
We are left without hope and peace in this world
In an ever-changing and shifting world, I need something that never changes and is ever faithful. We need a hope that is steadfast and sure. The writer of Hebrews knows that Christ is the anchor of our souls. He is our hope, both steadfast and sure. Hebrews 6:19. God uses the writer of Hebrews to reveal this to us, so we know and have someone to cling to no matter what is happening around us.
How do you know this if you are not reading and studying the Bible?
We are led astray by every wind of doctrine
Paul tells us in the book of Ephesians to grow up in all aspects in Christ. We are to grow to be like Christ. We are called to be wise and build our house upon the rock of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 4:15. When we do not know what the Bible says about any given subject or know Biblical doctrine, the teachings of Christ, we will be tossed here and there by every wind of doctrine. When the winds and the waves come, we will fall. Matthew 7: 24-27.
How great is the fall of those who build their house on the sand!
Reading our Bibles should not be a chore or something we do to check off of our do to list it. It should be a joy and a desire to get to know the living and true God. A place, the only place, you and I can truly go to learn about Him and develop a proper Christian worldview.
I have created this reading plan for you that covers verses that will help you understand what the Bible says about knowing the word of God. I hope it helps know the importance of spending time in our Bible.
Other Helpful Resources!
Read this article: Ten Reasons Every Believer Needs to Study the Bible
Read this Article: Bible Study Does Not Save You But it is Beneficial
Read This Article: Is it Too Late to Start Studying the Bible?