It is Never Too Late: Start Studying the Bible.
Is it too late to start studying the bible? The truth is, it is never too late to pick up God’s word and learn. That should be great news for you if you find yourself asking this question. Not everyone comes to Christ at the same age, and sometimes those who have been Christians for years do not study the bible. We really do not have an excuse for not studying the bible, but often this is the case.
If you find yourself in either category, raise your head in hope. You can start right where you are. Better late than never.
Why You Should Start Studying the Bible Right Now.
There is Nothing More Important to your Growth as a Believer.
The writer of Hebrews tells us in Hebrews 6:1 to leave the elementary teachings about Christ and press on to maturity. Maturity signifies growth in your walk of faith. As a child of God, there is nothing more important than your relationship with Christ and growing in maturity. We put many things in our lives before God and the study of the bible that are not bad in themselves, but they do not necessarily aid in our sanctification. They can take the place of the most important.
The Psalmist says the bible, God’s word, is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. Psalm 119:105. It is our guide and gives us direction. It gives us hope and comfort as we await our heavenly home, our true home. Through God’s word, we gain wisdom and understanding to help us live and thrive in this world.
We learn God’s command to love Him with all our hearts, souls, and minds in the bible. And to love our neighbor as ourselves. Those more important things we set up in our hearts, God says to put second. When we love God first and most, the rest falls in place.
Studying the bible is all about loving God With All Our Hearts, Souls, and Minds.

It is Easier Than Ever To Start Studying the Bible.
Technology and the internet have taken this world by storm. With a click of the finger, you can learn anything, search anything, buy anything. Although many would say the internet is the work of Satan, and it can be just like most anything else, it is a tool we can use to help in our study of the Bible. It is actually overwhelming the amount of information we have right at our fingertips. But the sky’s the limit.
Use it and use it well to help you study your Bible.
Word of caution. Even a seemingly good thing can be harmful. There are as many bad blogs, websites, bible versions, and bible studies out there as there are good ones! It takes discernment and wisdom to find what is true to the word of God. You know what that means. You must be in your word to know and see the difference. Now is the perfect time to start.
If you are looking for a bible study to use as a guide, do not look for fluff or anything that pets your flesh. Look for something that stays true to the word. My studies take you verse by verse, chapter by chapter, through the book you choose to study.

Take a look at Our In-Depth Bible Studies
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The Blessings are Endless
Studying the bible reaps a harvest of blessings. It tells us as much as God decided to reveal about Himself, which should give us much hope and encouragement.
Although many would say, it is not loving to show or call out sin, the bible states differently. Love tells the hard truth. It tells the truths of the gospel, which reveals who we are and our need for Christ.
The bible tells us of Christ and points us to His power, presence, and plan. It guides us to a deeper love and need for Him.
Suffering in this world is the calling of every believer. God uses suffering to grow us into Christlikeness. Knowing the word and treasuring it in our hearts keeps you and me grounded in Christ’s love for His bride.
False teachers and heresy abound—the blessing of knowing the difference between right and almost right will keep us from stumbling.
Do you see the importance of studying the bible? I hope this small article helps you get started in bible study or encourages you to continue.
Here are a few posts to help you with your bible study journey.
8 Bad Bible Study Habits to Break or Avoid
5 Attributes of the BIble and Why They Matter
Your Best Bible Study Resource is Your Bible