Bad Bible Study Habits That Can Keep You From Accurately Handling the Word of God.
Do you feel like you are not getting a lot out of your Bible study? There is a flip side to this too. You could think you are doing great and growing in knowledge and truth, but the opposite might be true. You may have some bad bible study habits.
Habits. We all have them. We practice and develop ways of doing things in all areas of our lives. Without knowing it, we may have developed bad Bible study habits that can keep us from accurately handling the word of truth.
The purpose of Bible Study is to grow in the knowledge and truth of God’s word, learn to handle the truth accurately, and walk in a way worthy of His calling. Ephesians 4:1.
I hope that statement puts fear in your heart and a determination to not only study the Bible but to study it well. If we have picked up bad study habits, it can affect our knowledge of who God is and the truth of the gospel. We could be on the broad road which leads to destruction instead of the narrow path that leads to life.
Today, I am here to help you recognize these bad habits and show you ways to avoid them.
8 Bad Bible Study Habits You Need to Avoid or Break

Not Going to God in Prayer
Besides the Bible itself, prayer is the most effective means of understanding and accurately interpreting the Bible. You and I need to make sure we do not forget to go to God and continue in prayer as we study.
Not only will God teach and guide us into all His truth, but He alone also has the grace to give us the desire to study the Bible. I found this prayer John Piper uses in his own bible study time. I believe it will benefit each of us in ours as well.
O Lord, incline our hearts to your word. Give us a desire for it. Open our eyes to see wonders there. Subdue our wills and give us an obedient spirit. Satisfy our hearts with a vision of yourself and your way for our lives.
Doing too many studies at a time.
This one may sound strange but hear me out. I write Bible studies and run them online a couple of times a year. I have noticed that some of the ladies participating in my studies are also participating in several others simultaneously. I am all for studying the Bible, but how can it be beneficial if you try to do more than one at a time?
I am sure you can learn but are you getting the most out of the study?
Bible study does not need to be a box checked off our list of things to do. Meditating and praying over the Scriptures are essential. If we are doing too much, it can affect what we need to learn. Slow down and enjoy God through His word. We are not in a race. Be as consistent as you can depending on your season of life but do not overdo it.
This is one area I have to reign myself in, so no stone-throwing here.
Reading a Commentary First
A commentary is someone else’s interpretation of the Bible. There are a lot of good ones out there. Some are bad ones so be careful. I am not against them. They can be a very helpful tool in your study.
I have a few that I consult regularly. However, you should not consult a commentary before you mine the Bible for yourself. Read the Bible, study the Bible and when you have done that, go to the commentary if you choose.
Once you have studied asking the right questions and answering those questions, you can arrive at the same conclusions as to the commentator.
Taking Someone’s Word For It
I cannot tell you how many times I have led a Bible study class or participated in one where one or more ladies never complete their lessons and hang on to every word they hear in the class. Doing this is very dangerous. If you are not studying yourself, how will you discern truth from error or, worse false teaching? You cannot!
Do not take someone else’s word on any part of Scripture until you do the work yourself! Not a good place to be! I have been here too!
Letting Your Heart Guide Interpretation and Application
I am sure you have heard the phrase, “Follow Your heart.” Umm, no! Do you know what the Bible says about the heart? God says, ” The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9.
The Bible has one intended meaning.
We all have desires and thoughts about how things should go or what they should mean. That is human nature.
Fallen human nature.
Our deceptive, desperately sick hearts cannot guide us into an accurate interpretation of the Bible and its application. If we have a feeling about any part of Scripture that sets itself up against what God says, throw it out into the utter darkness.
Pulling Verses Out of Their Context: Using Them Incorrectly.
“Context is King” is a major principle in accurate interpretation of the Scriptures. Every word in the Bible is inspired by God and chosen for a purpose. They are essential and have an intended meaning. We learn and teach the wrong message when we isolate a verse by taking it out of its context. The main goal in understanding the Bible is to know the truth. God’s word is truth. There is no need to change it. Why would we?
Using Books for Bible Study
Books are an excellent resource to help understand a specific topic in the Scriptures. I have read a ton of books that have helped me tremendously. I am not against pulling a group of people together to discuss a book. However, I do not think it is good to call this setting “Bible Study.”
Every believer needs to spend time reading and studying the Scriptures. Books are not a good substitute. Bible study is just what it says, Bible study, which implies studying the Bible.
The Bible is the best source for growing in knowledge and understanding. The same principle applies to books as to using commentaries. They are tools to help with our studies, but they are not the Bible. Save these for supplementing, not for Bible Study.
Read my article YOUR BEST BIBLE STUDY RESOURCE IS THE BIBLE, for more details on this subject.
Using Devo’s For Bible Study
Devotions could go in the same category as books, but I separated them for one reason. It is this; devotionals usually take one verse out of the Bible, expound on it or give you a story that relates to the verse. This practice is not always bad. Some devotionals are excellent and accurate in the interpretation of the verse used. They have done the work of studying the Scriptures and kept the verse they are using in context.
However, there is always a, however, isn’t there? For good reason. It gives us another perspective and helps us make an informed decision.
Again, you take someone else’s word on what the verse means. If you have not done the work required to gain wisdom and an accurate understanding of the text, you can be led astray. The question that always needs to be answered is this, is their rendering or interpretation accurate? Have they kept the meaning of the verse according to the context?
How do you know they have unless you have studied the Bible yourself?
The Main Point!
Bible study is a serious responsibility. The Bible is our lifeline, and of all the things we as believers have, we are dependent on it to guide and direct us through this journey on earth. Please read it, study it like your life depends on it. Because honestly, it does.
Better Bible Study Habits
Slow down and study a little at a time
Know the Word for Yourself. Test what you hear through the word of God.
Let Scripture Interpret Scripture not your heart
Read the Bible, Read the Bible, and Read the Bible again
Keep verses in their context
Study the Bible first and most.
Pray Some More!
More Helpful Resources!
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Hi Lisa
Hope you are doing well. A couple of us were wondering if there is a study coming for us? Truly look forward to them!☺
Hi Janet Meade! Yes! I am working on 1 Thessalonians for us! I will be announcing it soon! Planning to start the first of April! Thank you for asking!