We All Need Help Taming the Tongue. Here are Bible Verses that Can Help.

I believe James contains the most comprehensive list of information for taming the tongue. It is not the only place in Scripture that discusses the tongue, there are many other places, but it is extensive and worth looking at to learn what God says about the importance of it.
Since the Bible talks about and gives bible verses for help in taming the tongue it must be an important part of our walk of faith. The book of James is a book written to show us what Genuine Faith is and what it looks like as we live it out.
I have created this In-Depth Bible study in James to help you in your walk of Faith. It not only talks about the tongue but many other aspects of our Christian walk. Grab your PDF WORKBOOK and start today.
What Does James Say About the Tongue?
Here are a few words from James on the tongue:
- A very small part of the body yet boasts of great things: James 3:5
- The tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity: James 3:6
- It is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body: James 3:6
- The tongue sets on fire the course of our lives: James 3:6
- Is set on fire by hell: James 3:6
- Both Blesses and curses: James 3:9-10
These words describe the sinfulness and ugliness of our words. How can it be that with our tongues we bless the Lord and with that same tongue we curse men? Men created in the image of God. This should not be! James 3:10
What Directs the Tongue?
The tongue directs the body so what directs the tongue? Evil words and evil thoughts come from our desperately sick hearts. Jeremiah 17:9. Look at what Jesus says about the heart in Matthew 12:34-35:
“You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil.”
Look at how Jesus describes each treasure. One treasure is described as good. The other is evil. Both cannot exist together. James says it this way, a fountain does not send out both fresh and bitter water from the same opening. James 3:11.
After that in James 3:12 he says, “a fig tree does not produce olives nor does a vine produce figs.” This is an illustration of what Jesus teaches in Matthew 7:16, “You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
The Treasure of a Tamed Tongue!

Bible Verses to Help in Taming the Tongue
Here are four teachings from James and other parts of Scripture you can use to renew your mind, guard your heart, and make your tongue obedient to Christ.
James 1:21: Receive the word Implanted
James tells us the tongue is a fire and sets on fire the course of our life. Such a small part of the body but powerful enough that it sets the course of our lives. How terrifying! But there is hope.
The believer is brought forth through the word of truth. That truth is implanted into a new heart wrought by God. Our hope rests in His promise of sanctification. Sanctification is worked out through our obedience to God and the truth of His word.
In humility receive the word implanted which is able to save your souls. Use the truth and hope of His word to help tame the tongue.
James 1:5-Ask For Wisdom
Taming the tongue requires wisdom and insight. We are instructed in James that if anyone lacks wisdom to ask God and He will give it without reproach. By reading the book James, and all of Scripture, you are gaining knowledge about the heart and the tongue. Do not be afraid to ask God for the wisdom and understanding you need to see how your tongue is setting the course of your life.
Romans 12:1-3-Renew Your Mind
Paul teaches in Romans 12:1-3, that our spiritual service of worship is the proper use of our bodies. The body includes our tongue. We renew our minds through the word of God no longer conforming to this world but being transformed by the living and active word of God.
Proverbs 4:23-Guard Your Heart
Watch over your heart with all diligence, take care and always be conscientious of your thoughts, actions, and words. Our heart is the well spring of life. Everything flows from the heart. James tells us no one can tame the tongue. I cannot, you cannot, but God can sure change our hearts by the renewing of our minds.
Let’s fill our minds with His truth and speak to each other with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with our hearts to the Lord. Ephesians 5:19.
Remember these truths and do not forget to grab the PDF WORKBOOK in James to help you begin renewing your mind and taming your tongue!
4 Bible Verses for Help in Taming the Tongue
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