I love a well-stocked kitchen. I am not only talking about the food but the tools, pots, pans, knives…that help us prepare to feast on the meal we prepare. When I sit down to study my Bible I need some good resources to help me feast on the meat of God’s word. We all do. There are some great ones out there but you may not know where to find them or what may be helpful for you. Today, I have prepared a list of good bible study resources to help you have a well stocked library.
There are so many translations and different study Bibles you and I can choose. It can be overwhelming. I am not an expert when it comes to the different translations on the market but my choice is the NASB, New American Standard Bible, a word for word translation of the original Greek and Hebrew writings. You can read about the translation here: Got Questions.com/What is the New American Standard Bible.
I have used this translation for about 13 years and it still remains my favorite. It is my go-to for Scripture memory, study, and daily reading. The King James translation is one I also have on hand to help with my study. When I am preparing to write my studies I use it for word study. (We will discuss word studies in a different article.) Here are a few other translations that are good to have on hand, and few that are not.
The ESV: English Standard Version: Also a word for Word Translation. Very close to the NASB.
The AMP: Amplified Version: Good for understanding word meanings. Hard to use for casual reading.
The NIV: New International Version: Thought for Thought Translation. Easy to read but…Please read an overview of this translation in the above link.
The MSG:The Message: This is not a translation nor a paraphrase. Read an overview in the link above.
Be informed about what translations are good. If you need help in understanding how to choose one read this article at Got Questions.com/ What are the different English Bible versions?

You have picked a translation now you need a good study Bible. My favorite is the NASB, New Inductive Study Bible. I am a note taker and I mark up my Bible! This version gives me a way to write and mark. I wrote about why this is my Favorite Study Bible in another article. Follow this link to read Why it is my favorite:” Why I Recommend the New inductive Study Bible.”
I have not used these Study Bibles but I am looking at them for future use. You may want to check them out as well.
ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Large Print: Wide margins for note taking and large print.
ESV Scripture Journal: Text of scripture on one page opposite blank page for writing. Here is a review on youtube for this journal: ESV Scripture Journal
The Legacy Standard Bible, The Masterpiece above all creation is the glory of Christ as seen in the Word of God. Examining Scripture in a word-for-word translation allows the reader to encounter its unparalleled beauty as the Author originally intended.
I spent many years of my Christian walk with no idea what I believed. I relied on what my parents believed. Not a good place to be. You and I must own our faith. The Bible is and will always be our first place to learn any doctrine and truth, no question about that.
But, there are men who have written Systematic theology books in an orderly coherent way. These books can help you and me understand the doctrines of our Christian faith. My second recommended resource is a good Systematic Theology book. Wayne Grudem’s, “An Introduction to Systematic Theology” is the one I use. I have read through it several times and try to read through it every year. The book begins with an introduction to systematic theology and covers topics on sin, justification, regeneration, the Doctrine of God… it covers it all!
I also love Biblical Doctrine by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue. I use it as much as Grudems!
If you want to add a level of depth to your study I recommend a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. James Strong took every word of the King James Version, numbered the words and indexed them for us so we can look up the meaning of the word as used in the original Greek and Hebrew text. You can buy one online or pick them up very cheap at a used bookstore. “Bible Study Tools” offers a free online version: Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance.
In my opinion this should be your last go-to source. Commentaries are a good resource. However, remember they are man’s interpretation of a Scripture text. I can almost guarantee you that you can find someone who will back up what you think. Do not look for that. Find someone who stays true to the text of God’s word, the whole text of God’s word.
If you use a commentary I recommend using more than one. Using more than one will give you a greater depth of knowledge and it will also be a safeguard against false doctrine. Always be in the habit of reading your Bible. When you have the word of God in your heart and mind you will know if something someone else says is not right. You may not immediately know why but you know something is not right. That is a time to pause and go back to the Word.
I do not have a stack of commentaries on my bookcase but I do have a favorite online site, “Precept Austin” I go to often. You can find commentary on every book of the Bible. My favorites are Albert Barnes, John Calvin, John Gill, and John MacArthur. Do you have any other resources that have been helpful for you? I would love to hear what they are!!
A Good Bible Study Workbook!
You may be one who likes to study on your own, you are a self guided studier of God’s word. I have a good free resource for you if you fit into that category, 6 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO ASK WHEN YOU STUDY THE BIBLE.
You may be one who likes to be guided through the Bible with questions that help you study God’s Word. I have you covered there too! The studies I write consist of questions that systematically take you through a book of the Bible chapter by chapter, verse by verse. These studies keep you in the word of God. There is no fluff or petting of the flesh. However, they are encouraging, because they have you look at what God says about life the world and more importantly the Gospel of Christ, instead of what we think we want to know or hear! You can find my In-Depth studies in the Conforming to the Truth Shop
You Can Do My Studies for Free!
When I offer a New Bible Study, I always run it online for free. You can learn more about that here-How It Works!
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