Today in the shop you can find our 12 week bible study taking you through 11 Old Testament Books and five of the Psalms. It is designed to guide you through the text of each book where you the student of God’s Word, record what the text teaches about God, HIStory of redemption, and the coming Messiah.
Why Study the Old Testament?
I have heard people say the Old Testament is no longer needed for the church today. I disagree! The Bible itself tells us that all Scripture, Old and New Testament, is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Paul tells us in Romans 15:4, that whatever was written in earlier times, OT, was written for instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. We all need hope and instruction. The Old Testament as well as the New gives us both.
What Can I Expect to Learn From These Twelve Books?
- You will learn the character and attributes of the One True God.
- You will see prophecy recorded of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.
- You will learn the help God provides for the needy sinner.
- You will read instruction, reproof, correction, and the grace God provides for those who seek Him diligently.
Reading Twelve Old Testament Books
You will read 12 Old Testament books in 12 Weeks. I chose 11 of the smaller books and 5 Psalms to make reading and learning them easier.
You know I am a big advocate for in-depth study. I am all for studying systematically through an entire book. Why?
- So that we know our Great God and Savior,
- Know all truth,
- To be able to share the whole truth
- Defend the faith
- Share the Gospel
- Worship in Spirit and Truth
But with the in-depth study method also comes reading. If you have participated in any of my studies, you know we read the book we are studying over and over again. Why? Because context is key to the study of Scripture. If you and I do not keep God’s word in context, we end up miss interpreting and misapplying it as well. Two things we must avoid at all costs! By repeated reading, we are also putting the word of God in our hearts and minds where it is right there and ready to worship, and when we need comfort and hope!
Not only is it essential to keep the context of a single book in mind, but it is also equally important to keep the context of the entire Bible in mind. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New making the whole Bible 66 books. These books together reveal who God is and HIStory and plan of redemption. If we leave out any part, we have an incomplete revelation and half of the truth.
What Will I Get in the Workbook or Study Guide?
Before I go through the worksheets included in the workbook, I would like to clear up what may look like a contradiction. I know I said this is a reading plan, and it is. However, I have included some”optional” work for those who would like to have it. If you only desire to read the books, that is great. I am trying to get as many tools in your hands as possible to equip you for every good deed.
2 Timothy 3:16-17.
Each book in the series will come with three worksheets.
- The first sheet is a schedule for reading the book each day plus writing space for observing the text you are reading.
- The second sheet includes space to record what you learn about God and prophesies of Christ from the text you are reading. It also includes a focus verse for the book that you can choose to memorize if you like.
- The third sheet is for application. It is designed to record what you learned from the book and what changes you need God to work in your heart!

I believe this study will help you conform your life to the Truth of God’s Word while you grow in the knowledge and instruction of the Lord.
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