How to Handle Non Essential Issues
Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but do not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinion. Romans 14:1
Is eating meat or not eating meat a big deal?
Is regarding one day over another a big deal?
But we can take a small issue, cause division, break fellowship, and worse create a church split over non-essentials.
What Are non-essential and essential Issues?
Before we look at 3 theological truths in how to handle essential and non-essential issues we need to define the terms.
Essential Doctrinal Issues. All true believers know and understand that essential doctrines are non-negotiable. These doctrines are essential to the Christian faith and are unchanging. They relate to or as John MaCarthaur puts it, ” They are the drive train of salvation. Examples would be
- The Authority of Scripture
- The Nature of God: The Trinity: God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit
- The Nature of Christ: He is Virgin born, both man and God, Sinless, died a sub-stationary death, buried and rose on the third day, seated at the right hand of God, returning for His bride.
- Salvation comes by faith alone through Christ alone, bu grace alone. Not by works.
This is not an exhaustive list but one to get you started.
Non-Essential Doctrinal Issues. When we say non-essential that is not to say they are not important. Anything God says in His word is important. However, non-essential doctrinal issues do not affect salvation. Examples would be
- Eating and drinking
- The observance of or non observance of holidays
- Forms of Church Government
How do We handle our Convictions on Non-Essential Issues?
How do we handle our convictions while also honoring Christ and not destroy a brother or sister for not holding the same opinion?
The answer is in the previous statement. We honor Christ in all areas. When we honor Him, our brothers and sisters are also accepted and not destroyed.
How We Honor Christ With Our Convictions On Non-Essential Issues
First, we honor Christ by having an opinion or a conviction on small issues. Romans 14:5, tells us to be fully convinced in our minds. Have an opinion about foods, drinks, holidays, etc.
Let’s be honest we all have beliefs and opinions on varying issues. How are these beliefs and opinions formed? Do we go to the world for wisdom and form our world view from it? As a believer the world is the last place we should go. Here are a few Biblical ways we gain wisdom and form our opinions and beliefs about a truth. We
- Pray about it.
- Search Scripture to learn what God says about it.
- Do research in the Scriptures
- Come to a conclusion from the Scriptures
- Form a Biblical Opinion and stand.
- Have a teachable heart. You may change your opinion!
Now we have formed a belief, conviction, or opinion, where do we go from here?
Here are three theological truths Paul gives in Romans 14:1-9, to handle small non-essential issues while still honoring Christ and loving our brothers and sisters who have differing ideas.
Use Sound Theology to Handle Small Issues
Do not pass judgment on his or her opinions. Romans 14:1.
Who are you to judge?
“He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the Law and judges the Law; but if you judge the Law, you are not a doer of the Law but a judge of it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you to judge your neighbor?” James 4:11-12.
Justification is by faith, and God accepts the weak and the strong in faith!
Who are you, who am I to judge the servant of another? To his own Master, he will stand, or he will fall. Romans 14:4
God is the Master!
The one of weaker faith or the one of stronger faith is the Lord’s. Their faith is God-centered; therefore, they will stand because the Lord can make him stand!

Stand on Your Conviction to the Glory of Christ
Have a conviction. Stand on that conviction to the glory of Christ, but do not waste time worrying about what does not build up the kingdom of Christ.
For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17.
Eating, drinking, regarding one day over another, is not righteousness. Christ is our righteousness!
Whether then you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
This devotion goes along with our in-depth Bible Study in the book of Romans. It is only a snippet of what you will learn as you study through the book of Romans.
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