How do you feel when you read these words? “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would become the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.” Romans 8:29-30.

Truth Over Feelings
If you have never read these words, you probably have confused thoughts, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and doubt about God and Who He is. You may have read these verses and are still confused about what they teach. Again, confusion can lead to feelings of insecurity about God and even salvation. You may read these verses, and feelings of anger arise in your heart because you would like to be the sovereign over your salvation. When feelings trump truth, there is danger.
I, along with many others, have studied these verses, and I understand them more and more as God gives me a measure of truth. Until He does, I cannot understand nor can you the glory of these marvelous truths.
Maybe these words from John Piper will help if you struggle with a lack of understanding.
“Behavioral conformity to Jesus is a life-long battle with wrong deeds, and emotional conformity to Jesus is a life-long battle with wrong feelings, so intellectual conformity to Jesus is a life-long battle with wrong thinking.”
Replace Feelings With Faith
Feelings need replacing with faith and security. They are born out of our lusts and desires and are dependent on us. Faith is not a feeling; it is assurance, hope, and conviction on things not seen. Hebrews 11:1. Trust depends on God not-self. Faith is a gift and is cultivated by obtaining knowledge though prayer and the reading and study of God’s word.
If I went on my feelings, and let me tell you I have a ton of them, I would feel hopeless when there are no grounds for it. Often I do, and that is not living in the victory of Christ and His work on the cross.
These verses strip away any effort or work on our part to secure salvation. They teach that God is the starter and finisher of our faith and salvation. He began the good work, not us. He will bring it to completion, not us. That is not to say we do not believe, we do. But it is a grace gift from God. Ephesians 2:8. Instead of anger, delight, and pleasure should quiet our souls with these truths.
God Foreknew
Foreknew does not mean that God looked into time and saw those who would choose Him. We know from Romans chapter one, man, all men, exchange the glory of God for an image, and none seek Him. Romans 3:11. Foreknowledge means He loved and set His affection on His elect before the foundation of the world. We do not choose Him. He chose us.
God Predestined
“Predestine” means decide or ordain ahead of time what destiny you will have. God set His affection on those He foreknew and chose them for His own. They were chosen and predestined mainly to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
Now that you have studied this passage, you may have a ton of questions. Some of these questions, on this side of heaven, we have no answer. God does. Rest in Him, Joy in Christ, keep on learning, and studying His word. Never throw out truth based on a feeling or an opinion.
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