If I asked you to explain the gospel to me, could you? Do you know and understand the gospel?
I asked this question to the women who attend my home Bible Study class. After a few minutes of silence, the response from over half the room was, “NO.”
I also asked this same question to my children and a few friends who were with us. Once again, after a few minutes of silence, they responded, “NO.”
A Christian Should Know and Understand the Gospel
There was a time, as a Christian, I would not have been able to explain much about the gospel. Did I know who Christ was? Yes! Did I know why I needed Him to save me? Yes!
But, to go into a conversation or be able to explain it in a systematic way- I could not. You see, the cross of Christ is much broader than “He died, and shed His blood for my soul”. These are very important truths. Without them there would be no gospel, no good news. However, the gospel is full, it is deep, profound, and understandable, for those who know it and understand it!

Why is it Such a Mystery to Some?
I believe one of many reasons we do not know or understand the gospel is because we have not studied the depths of the word of God in search of the many truths it holds.
For me, I relied on what my parents and teachers taught me. Not the place to be for a blood bought child of God! When all you do is listen and do not search for the truth on your own, there is a lot you will not understand about the gospel.
I believe Christians walk around all day without a good understanding of what God, through Christ, has done.
Their joy is not complete. They stay confused and defeated. Why? They do not know and understand the gospel.
Let’s Change That!
The book of Romans gives a clear explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I have written several studies over the course of the last few years. Romans has amazed me! I have learned more about the gospel than I could have ever imagined. God has taught, and is teaching me so many things. If I had not settled into Romans, I would not know the things I do now.
Can I sit and explain the gospel to you now? Yes! Today I can with confidence! A confidence that I have never had before. Why the confidence? Because He has taught me through His word!
I understand things about justification, sanctification, redemption, regeneration…etc, that I never knew. I had never even heard some of the words before! You might be asking “Why is it so important to know what justification, sanctification, redemption, and regeneration is?”
Simple! To Know the Amazing Gift of the Cross!
Why is it That Important to Memorize Scripture
Why I recommend the New Inductive Study Bible
I want to Know You… Studying the Attributes of God
Six Important Questions to Ask When You Study the Bible
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