Our on-line study in Romans is complete. The lessons are in the editing and formatting process as we speak. The workbook is added to the Conforming to the Truth SHOP.

If you are new around here and have never participated in one of my studies or you are a returning Conforming to the Truth participant here is, some of what you will learn through this study.
What You Will Learn From This Study in Romans
For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.
Who needs the Gospel? Why does anyone need the Gospel? What is the Gospel? Who needs it? What is the nature of salvation? How is it achieved? What difference does salvation make in an individual’s life? What difference does it make regarding society as a whole?
A ton of questions to answer, and the book of Romans will answer all of them and more. Praise God He has not left us with no answers.
Romans is a Gospel, and Theological masterpiece. When you take the time to read the words in Romans and answer the questions provided in the workbook, you will soon learn why.
Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel and was always ready to give an account of the hope he had and refute those who contradicted it.
It is my prayer that you walk away from this study more knowledgeable of the Gospel and its power for salvation.
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Take a Look at the Shop where you will find many In-Depth, Keep you in the Word, Bible Studies! Here is a link to Romans to get you started!
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Carol-Ann Burczak
Hi Carol-Ann!
I am thankful to see you signing up for the Romans study! You did it right. You need to sign up for the Romans study separate from the newsletter! Have a blessed study!