Our eight weeks of study in the book of Philippians has come to an end! The Workbook is in editing and will be added the study to our shop soon!
A Little About the Study
Do you find contentment and joy in all of your circumstances? Anxiety and depression abound in the world today. Sadly it abounds in the church as well. Why are so many believers living a joyless, discontented life? I think it is because we do not feed on the truths in the Word of God. We are grazing on the ways of the world and not the whole truth that God gives in His Word, our Bibles. Let’s learn to look to Christ for our joy and our strength.
In the book of Philippians, Paul tells every believer of every generation that we all are called not only to believe in Jesus Christ, but we are also called to suffer for Him! (Philippians 29-30) Most of us do not equate suffering with joy. Unless we study the word of God learning what it teaches us about suffering, and who Christ is, we will not walk, nor strive to walk a joyful life.
I invite you to walk with us through the book of Philippians to learn how to look at and live in the hope we have in Christ, rather than living each day swallowed up in discontentment in our own circumstances.
What to Expect From This Workbook
This is an 8 Lesson Philippians Bible Study Workbook
- Each lesson is written to take you through each verse of every chapter. Sometimes you will be taken to other parts of Scripture to help with the interpretation of the text. Remember, Scripture interprets Scripture!
- We will also be doing word studies. You may be asking, “Why do I need to know what a word means?” Word studies get us deeper into the word of God. Sometimes we think we know what a word means, and we really do not. It has been my experience that after I have studied a word, I have a greater understanding of what is being taught. I have also learned more and more of the Amazing Grace of God! It is well worth the time and effort to look words up.
- Each lesson is designed to be worked through in a week. You decide how you want to walk through the questions. I do recommend spacing the questions out. We do not want to rush through the word. We need to ponder and pray for teaching from the Holy Spirit.
- You can work on these lessons in your own study time, or you could gather a group of like-minded women (each purchasing their own study guide) and study together.
- This workbook is 8.5X5.5 and is 54 pages long. At this time Philippians is only available in PDF Download.
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I am so sitting on ready with my engine roaring!
Lol…I love it Pamela Johnson! Almost ready to go!!
How do I find the questions for week two? I have Day 1-4 but have not been able to find the questions. Unless the questions are included in Lesson 3. I’m sorry I’m elderly, 74 and think I have a clear mind but I have become very confused with the numbering etc of the lessons and days and weeks.
Sharon, you should have received an email on Friday October 4th, with Lesson 2 questions. Monday through Thursday, I send a suggested study guide and a little note from me. On Fridays you should receive the new lesson for the next week of study. This Friday, October 17th, you should receive lesson 4. I hope that helps! If you need me to send you another copy of lesson 2, please let me know! Blessings, Lisa:)