I have three children. Two girls and a boy! They are a joy and great delight! All three are walking with the Lord! You cannot ask for more than that! Each is in the places in which God has directed them. I get texted, calls, and visits from them almost daily. They fill me in on what is going on in their lives, the good times and the struggles. I praise God with them in the good times, and I praise God with them in the struggle. Well, at least I desire too.
My son is in the process of looking for a new job. His first baby is on the way, our first grand baby, and with that comes, worry and anticipation. He is in the beginning stages of interviewing for a prospective job and faced with the reality that his colorblindness may affect his getting the job he so desires.
The Mom in Me Wants to Fix it
Each time we talk I can hear the anxious longing of his heart. I can hear a tint of worry. The mom in me wants to fix it so badly. I speak words of encouragement about the Sovereignty of God and His plan for his life! But at the same time, I want him to have what he wants, what his heart desires.
In these moments I have to take a step back and remember, God’s perfect plan does not look like my perfect plan. Do I, do you, want our kids to have everything their heart desires? Do I need everything my heart desires? We think we do because in some way or another we believe and wish to have control. My mind plans my ways and my days, (Proverbs 16:9.) But the Lord tells me He directs my steps!

God’s perfect May Be What I Think is Imperfect
Perfect to me is a world, my life, my children’s lives, filled with no struggle, no evil, no delays. A Utopia! God’s perfect includes struggles, setbacks, and failures. All designed to bring us to the foot of the cross to find help in our time of need. His perfect brings us to realize we cannot, but He does. He is teaching me my greatest need is Him! My children’s greatest need is Him! Through His process of sanctification, that is what He is teaching you, me, and our children!
If We Are Not Looking For God’s Will, We Are Sinning!
James explains in James 4:13-17, if we say today or tomorrow I will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, engage in business and make a profit, and do not say, if the Lord wills, we are sinning! This principle applies to every area in our lives that we plan! Believe you me; I am the poster child for planning!
It is not a sin to plan. We must prepare for each day. However, with our planning and preparing, we need to rest in the Truth that God is directing our steps. We can also relax in His absolute Sovereignty and providential control over all things! Yes! Even in our children’s lives! That makes this mama’s heart sing with Joy!
God is Still in Control! I Have No Idea Where He is Taking Me but I Do Know it is perfect!
As I was finishing up this article, I received a message from my son confirming a second interview for this job!!! How good is God to show me He has this step in His hands? The next step is also held in His hands. Whichever way it goes, me and Andrew can rest in God, knowing His direction will be perfect. He is still in control!

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