It is said that if you and I understand something, we should be able to explain it to someone else. It is my task today to talk to you about the immutability of God. How can the indescribable be described? This thought keeps echoing through my mind, how can man, an ever-changing man, explain the One and Only eternal, unchanging, Immutable God? Our words and thoughts often fail. The moment we get an idea or thought in our minds about who we believe Him to be, in a flash it is gone. We are left with a lack of understanding and utter amazement that we can even understand or grasp just a little of Who He is.
God says this about Himself in Isaiah 55:8-9, “My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways.” But, does that mean we cannot know Him at all? Psalm 103:14 tells us God is mindful that we are but dust. He gives the believer enough faith and understanding to comprehend all we need to know about Him.
We come to know Him through the Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:25-26.) and His spoken, inspired word, the Bible. The infallible, all-sufficient word which gives accurate information about Himself and His perfect character. It describes Him perfectly! He describes Himself perfectly.

What Does it Mean God is Immutable?
Before we move forward, I think it would be helpful to define immutability. Malachi 3:6, describes immutability well for us, “For I the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.” To say God is immutable is to say He does not change.
In the book, “Biblical Doctrine, A Systematic Summary of Biblical Truth,” by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue, immutability is defined as, “the unchanging character and dependability of God.”
Because God is unchanging in His character and being, you and I can depend on and trust in what His Word says about who He is.
Everything Around Us Changes But God Never Changes
Look back at the passage in Malachi. Did you notice the utter rebellion and sinfulness of the sons of Israel had no effect on the character and dependability of God. You and I are accustomed to change. Everything around us changes constantly. The climate changes, the earth is changing, people are changing. The world as we know it is going from bad to worse right before our eyes. You and I are affected in some way by all of the changes happening around us. But not one of these changes affects the character and dependability of God. God is incorruptible (Romans 1:23) eternally the same ( Psalm 102:25-27) and never changes. (James 1:17).
Mankind is Not Always Dependable, But God Is?
Has anyone ever told you they would do something and failed to follow through? Has anyone ever said you could depend on them no matter what and you learned the opposite is true? I have never been one to seal my word with a promise. Why? Because I know that circumstances can change. I can change. However, when God makes a promise, He will always fulfill it. Because the promises He makes are dependent on His will and unchanging character. To be dependable is to be faithful. Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 2:13, God is faithful even if we are not because He cannot deny Himself.
Because God Does Not Change We Can Trust Him
I need to know there is someone that I can trust. The gospel message is dependent on faithfulness, not mine but God’s. If we cannot trust that God is true, faithful, and unchanging, we have nothing to offer a lost a dying world. Nor do we have the assurance of our own salvation. By faith, our God-given faith,( Ephesians 2:8) we can trust God when He says about Himself, “He is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent.” God will always do what He says He will do. (Numbers 23:19)
Even When Critics Oppose We Must and Can Trust God
There are some who oppose and question the immutability of God. They point to Scriptures that do “seemingly” contradict each other. In one passage it says God is not a man that He should repent( Numbers 23:19)and in another, He repented. ( Genesis 6:6) In those times you and I must be Bereans of the word. Luke tells us in Acts 17:11, some noble-minded men received the word with eagerness and examined the scriptures daily to see if what was being said was true.
There is nothing wrong with healthy discussion. Ask the questions and search the Scriptures for answers to those questions. However, at the end of the day, Christians must believe God does not change and is true to what His word claims. A proper understanding of the fact the Word of God never contradicts itself is a must. If you and I do not trust that truth, everything we believe has no solid foundation.
By faith, I take God at His word. I have no doubt and do not waver in this truth! Be assured you can be too! I will close with a quote by J.I. Packer that sums up our discussion very well.
“When we read our Bibles, therefore, we need to remember that God still stands behind all the promises and demands, and statements of purpose, and words of warning, that are there addressed to New Testament believers.”God’s unchangeableness is the foundation for being able to open Scripture and still find it relevant today.”

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Hello, Lisa! I really enjoyed your discussion on the subject of the immutable/immutability of God. However, I strongly disagree with your assertion that the word immutability is not found anywhere in the Scriptures. This is incorrect! Please, refer to Hebrews 6:17 for clarification.
Thank you!
Hi Tony!
Thank you for giving me the scripture reference that does say immutable! I corrected my article! I am glad you enjoyed it and again, thank you for the clarification! Iron sharpening iron! God Bless you!