Lisa Morris

Reasons You Always Need to Be a Student of God’s Word
I study the Bible a lot! I write Bible Study lessons, run a blog, and mentor several young ladies in my church. By the standards of the world, I should be an expert!
I should know it all, inside out and backward. By my own self made rules I should know it all!
When I finish a text of Scripture, I expect myself to understand it and be able to move on to the next verse, chapter, book.
How shallow, prideful, and un-expecting.
When you and I sit to study the Bible, without the Spirit, we are just putting knowledge into our minds. But when the Holy Spirit teaches, He gives wisdom and understanding to the Word of God, and He puts it in our hearts!
When you sit to study, study hard. In prayer expect and rely on the Holy Spirit to teach you. When you finish a verse, a chapter, even an entire book, move to another but always come back to the one you have already studied, revisit it and examine it again.
Why, Always a Student of God’s Word?
Because there will always be Truth , a truth, you did not see before. At least that is true for me.
I am learning to love those times because I know that I am not the one in complete control of what I need to know concerning the Word of God. God knows
what I need
when I need it
when to give it
So study, study hard, but always consider yourself a student of God’s Word. Not an expert but one who expects!
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