lisa morris

Suffering and Trials Are Used to Bring About Patience
Patience! A word that often makes me cringe when I hear it! I have heard others say, “I never pray for patience because I know I am going to be tested and tried. I am right there with them! Maybe we should rethink our idea and thoughts about suffering and trials.
The Believers Suffering is His High Calling!
For a believer, suffering through various trials is a high calling. It is coming whether we ask for it or not and it comes to fulfill the will of God. Patience and perseverance is its goal.
The Word of God instructs you and me to count it all joy when we encounter various trials. (James 1:2) Why? Because trials test our faith. Tested faith produces endurance. (James 1:3) Trials and testing come from the will and purpose of God. Knowing this truth should give you and me great encouragement and joy. Encouragement and joy are produced through suffering and trials as we learn there is a purpose, a God ordained purpose produced in us through the Holy Spirit of God.
God Invites us to Ask Why?
We sometimes wonder why this particular trial has come upon us. No need to question and ponder over it, ask God why? If we ask without doubting He will give us wisdom without disapproval. He invites us to ask!
Did you know blessings are attached to suffering through trials? Two times in the book of James we are told those who endure and those who persevere are BLESSED! I am thinking my idea, and attitude toward trials and suffering need to be redefined. How about you?
Are you in the midst of trial and suffering today? Believer, if you are, know there is a perfect reason and a perfect purpose. James 5: 11-13, gives us encouragement through the example of Job. We know the sufferings of Job, and we know he endured, because he was steadfast in his faith and loyalty to God. He trusted God. Job’s recorded as saying,
” Though He (God) should slay me, yet I will trust in Him.” (Job 13:15)
The outcome of God’s dealings with Job was that of compassion and mercy. We can go through our trials kicking and screaming but why should we?
“Suffering and trial are the teachers of patient endurance. Filtered through the hand of God.”
Suffering is a Grace From God
Often I look at suffering and trials not as a blessing but quit the opposite. As God is sanctifying me, I am learning and becoming more content in the places He puts me. I know these ordained places are a grace gift from God, not only to produce patience but replace my love for this world with greater rest, love and reliance on Christ.
Suffering is a grace of God intended to teach us obedience, pulling us away from the hope we place in ourselves and this world, to give us joy in Christ, and Christ alone, placing us in God’s peace that passes all understanding. Lisa Morris
Get my In-Depth study in James HERE: This study will guide you through what James teaches on suffering, trials, and much more.
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