“Set your minds on things above, not on the things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2
Did you know you have an enemy? Sometimes we will recognize an enemy right off. They are hostile toward us, threatening us, and are typically in our faces. The intent is to destroy and have their own way. They have an agenda, and you can bet they will do whatever it takes to get it. However, sometimes the enemy comes disguised. He or she appears to have your best interest at heart, but it only seems that way. Christian sisters, we have an enemy, and he is after our minds. He is subtle appearing as an angel of light, ( 2 Corinthians 11:14) prowling around looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) For those who are not stead-fast, feet planted firmly, taking their stand, he will get you. He cannot have your salvation. If you are a true believer you are hidden in Christ, your salvation is protected, but he can get a foothold in our mind. You and I must guard ourselves and be a woman who actively protects her mind.
She Knows God Redeemed Her Mind
There was a time in our lives that our minds were hostile to God. We were His enemy and He was ours. (Romand 5:10) We catered to the lusts of our own flesh, delighting in the delicacies of this world. Because of this, we could not please God. His wrath rested on the deeds of our fleshy self. Our minds had us trapped with no way of escape.
But, in His grace, mercy, love, and kindness, He brought us forth and saved us. The darkness that held and blinded us has been removed. God gave light to the darkness that we may know and understand the truth of the Gospel, and that we may know His glory. (2 Corinthians 4:6) So that we will know Him and the knowledge of His will ( Colossians 1:9) in Christ Jesus.
She Actively Protects Her Renewed Mind
The woman of God desires to glorify God in all she does. Therefore, she actively protects her mind by guarding her heart. The book of Proverbs teaches, “from the heart flows the spring of life.” (Proverbs 4:23) The heart is the control center of a person and the seat for thoughts, attitudes, motivations, and actions. Jesus proclaims in Luke 6:45 that all good and evil thoughts and deeds flow from the heart. God tells us through the prophet Jeremiah that our heart is deceitful and desperately sick. (Jeremiah 17:9)
By heeding the words of Christ, the woman of God is in constant battle with those things which set themselves up against the knowledge of God, the truths of His Word which He has so graciously revealed to His child. (2 Corinthians 10:5) We are in a constant battle against the flesh, and the enemy of our souls. However, no weapon formed against the servant of God will prosper. Why? Because it is their/her heritage from the LORD. (Isaiah 54:17)
Protect your mind through the study of God’s Word. This study in Colossians is a good place to start. Download and start today: Learn more Here: Colossians In-Depth Study
She is Actively Renewing Her Mind
We are instructed to be in the process of renewing our minds. (Romans 12:2: Ephesians 5:10: Ephesians 5:17) The word of God is the fountain of truth in which our minds are renewed. The woman of God searches for wisdom and truth, continually feeding on the word of God, the Bible. Her delight is in the Law of the Lord and on it she mediates day and night. (Psalm 1:2)
Actively renewing of the mind is not only being in the Scriptures but is also being in a constant state of prayer and dependence on the Holy Spirit to train, correct, and guide into all truth. Let’s be in the business of actively pursuing truth and protecting our minds against all that sets itself against it.
How is God using His Word to protect your mind?
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Thank you for the encouraging word, indeed we must let the mind of Christ take over our mind in order four us to have descernment , we are living in a time where we can easily be distracted by the movements of things that are setup to get us , so thank you .
Hi Erva! This is sure a time that we need to be discerning! So many distractions that fight for our attention and time! You are so welcome! I am thankful God used them to encourage you! Blessings! Have a great day!