Why is It Important to Study the Bible?
You and I can have a desire to study God’s Word, but we must first check our motives.
I understand the desire to get straight to, “the how to of study” but first and more important is laying a solid foundation. Don’t worry, we’re getting there! I have several how to’s to share soon!
Some people will encourage you to just read the Word of God while others will encourage you to study the Word of God.
•Are both important?
•If so, why?
That is what you and I will be talking about today. Why it is important to read and study the Bible.
Boots on or Boots off?
Several years ago I heard Paul Washer say something like this in his sermon: “Importunity in Prayer.’
Sometimes we study the word of God with our boots on. Sometimes we study the word of God with our boots off.
This is not an exact quote and he was using the words of another pastor, Alexander MaClaren. I will never forget it because in the context of reading and studying the word of God it makes perfect sense to me. I hope it will for you as well.
We will use this illustration to help us know the difference and the importance of both reading and studying the word of God.
Boots off! Just Read the Bible
When our boots are off we are resting. Not working but soaking in the very words of God Himself. ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
There is a time for everything. Sometimes we work and then we rest from our working. Reading the Word of God is a good discipline for all of God’s children.
When you and I read the Bible, we are putting the very word of God into our hearts and minds. It is food for our souls.
Remember what Jesus said in (Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4) “Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
Read and Study the Bible to Renew the Mind
Before God saved us we were worldly thinkers, walking in the futility of our minds, darkened in our understanding of who God is and His ways. Romans 1:1-32 Ephesians 4:17-19
But now, if we are children of God, we are instructed to renew our minds (Romans 12:1-2: Ephesians 4:23) put off the old self and put on the new. Ephesians 4:24 You and I renew our minds by reading the Word of God.
The influence of the world is strong! If we do not have the word of God in our hearts and minds, when wisdom calls out in the streets we will be deaf to her voice. Proverbs 1:20
Read the Old Testament and the New Testament
Many people will read the New Testament without ever thinking about the Old Testament. If Paul, Peter, and John quoted and referenced the Old Testament, why would you and I neglect the reading of it?
Think about this. The Old Testament was all the Apostles and Disciples of Christ had. Doesn’t that shed more light on the importance of reading the Old Testament?
According to the apostle Paul, the New Testament is the unveiling of the Old. Colossians 1:25-27 It contains testaments, types, and shadows of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The entire Bible is God’s story. If we skip to the middle of the book without first reading the beginning, we will never have a complete understanding of God and His plan!
Not only that, Paul teaches the Old testament, the words and books written in former times, is for our instruction and encouragement. Romans 15:4
We need the whole of God’s word not just bits and pieces.
We Read the Bible for Context
There is a saying we have in Bible Study, “Context is king.” If we cherry pick verses we will misinterpret the Scriptures. Everything must be kept in the context in which it was written.
What do I mean by context? Context is the environment in which the text lives. Let me give you an example. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
Without knowing why the author said this we can, and some have, misinterpreted this verse. By reading the book of Philippians as a whole, we can see why this verse is written and how it fits into the context of the book.
Not only do we read books as a whole, we also read the Bible as a whole. Reading this way keeps things in context. It gives you and me the big picture, not just snap shots.
Boots On! Time to Study
I do not know about you, but when I am reading the word of God my mind asks a ton of questions. I do not always understand what I am reading, and when that happens I have to get up and put my boots on.
This means I am fixing to do some work. Studying requires work, often hard work.
There are places in Scripture that instruct us to read and others that instruct study. The first one that comes to mind is 2 Timothy 2:15.
Paul is instructing Timothy, his son in the faith to be a workman. One whose engaged in an activity involving considerable expenditure of effort.
This verse does not only apply to Timothy but all God’s children. You and I are to learn what pleases the Lord. Ephesians 5: 10
Learning involves both reading and study. Studying the Word of God involves
- searching,
- inclining,
- and being attentive. Proverbs 2:1-5
When you and I dig into the word of God, He gives knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
Both Reading and Studying the Bible Are Important
Reading and studying are similar in many ways. They both train and teach us the word of God.
One is more relaxed while the other is more involved.
Both the reading of God’s Word and the study of the Bible are important disciplines in the life of a believer.
Each one involves the guidance and teaching of the Holy Spirit. Without His guidance and direction we would have no understanding.
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I like what you say here about Reading/studying the word of God to find out what pleases Him. To know how to live and follow His commands. We read to become knowledgeable of who He is & to learn His ways. I just read about how Jesus has given us understanding to know ‘ Him who is true”. 1 John 5:20 Also, reading in context. To read the whole chapter is of vital importance. I can confess that I have been guilty of not doing this in the past. But by the grace of God & the Holy Spirit I am being patient as truth is revealed because I truly want to know Him. And to read just to be in the word and enjoying what you are reading and praising God for truth revealed & just worship him. But also setting aside time to study & grasp the truths as well allowing God to teach us. I’m sorry If my writing is not understanding. I tend to write how I speak. I am learning from this study. Just wanted to share & say thank you!