How and Why to Be Consistent in Bible Study!
Do you struggle to be consistent in Bible Study? You are not alone! I know the struggle, and I’m here to help you find ways to make time in the Word of God a discipline. Let’s not be legalistic about our Bible Study time. However, we do want to establish a time in the word. Why?
1. Time spent in the Word of God teaches you and me who our heavenly Father is.
2. It is a discipline that God requires of His children.
3. Without it, we will starve to death, spiritually.
What Does it Mean to be Consistent?
Before we start on the how-to’s of making time in the word a discipline, let’s talk about what it means and does not mean to be consistent. Then we will discuss why we study the Word of God. These two truths will help you understand why studying is essential and motivate you to do so.
I said earlier we do not want to be legalistic about our Bible Study time. What do I mean by that?
If we are not careful, we can make time in God’s Word a task or a formula. For example, we sit down and spend 30 minutes reading only 20 verses daily. Then we cross it off our do-to list with the idea I have done my part in studying God’s Word today. But, if we do not come away with a growing knowledge, understanding, and love for our Heavenly Father and Christ, we’ve been legalistic in our study.
Bible Study is a time to learn and grow in our personal relationship with Christ! I do not want to be legalistic with my study time, and I know you do not either. Bible Study is much more important than almost anything we do.
Being consistent means, in this case, studying the Word of God regularly. It does not mean you and I need to be in the word three to five hours a day, seven days a week, although that would be wonderful! It means to be in it enough we’re nourished and growing in the faith.
How Many Days and How Much Time?
By this point, I know you may ask, how much time, how many days do I need to be in the word? My suggestion is 5-6 days a week. That is how many days I spend studying the Bible. I asked the women in a Facebook group I’m in how many days a week and how much time each day they spend in Bible study; 5-6 days was consistent with each one.
The time each lady studied varied. However, 30 minutes to 1 hour was average.
I know you may think setting aside thirty minutes to an hour a day with little ones running around, dishes to wash, laundry to do, and possibly working out of the home this amount of time can sound overwhelming when you and I have so much to do!
I understand the thought process of thinking; there is not enough time left in my day for Bible Study.
This kind of thinking is hazardous. Think about what your heart is saying. It says I do not have time for God and His word! Our priorities are not in the proper order. Knowing God through His word should be our number one priority.
Why is Bible Study Important?
The number one reason you and I need to study the word of God is out of Obedience to the Lord.
Psalm 119 teaches, “These words which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
God has ordained His precepts, and we must keep them diligently. So our first reason to study is out of obedience to God. He commanded it; we obey Him. How do I know His precepts so I may keep them? He has written and preserved them for our instruction in His word.
You can find nine more reasons every believer should study the word of God in this article 10 Reasons Every Believer Needs to Study the Bible
We have talked about why we need to study the Bible now, let’s talk about how to be consistent in Bible Study. I have come up with five ways to help you. I use these ideas myself. Believe me when I say I have to revisit these often. Some days and weeks are easier than others. Here we go!
Pray for a desire to study God’s Word.
First, ask the Holy Spirit to grow your love of God more and more each day. Do not be afraid to ask! He first implanted the love of God in your heart, and He is the one who will continue to grow it.
Our love for God should help grow our love to be in His word consistently.
Pray for the desire to study the word of God. Some days are hard, and our desires can wane. That is why it is so important to pray for the desire to study God’s word continually.
Set a Time: Pick a Place: Organize Your Material
Plan for your time in the word of God. You know your schedule better than anyone. What time of the day will consistently work for you? Is it morning, or is it in the evening when everyone else is sleeping? Write it on a calendar or put a reminder on your phone.
Yay! You’ve looked at your weekly schedule and set a time to study. Now pick a place. Pick a place where you can always keep your study materials on hand. If you must gather materials from several places daily, it will soon become a hassle.
If you want to change the study place, put your materials in a basket or bag to carry with you! Do you see a pattern here? This is your time. Make it work for you!
Get an Accountability Partner
Find someone if you do not already have someone to hold you accountable to study the word! Finding an accountability partner can be awkward and intimidating but do it anyway!
Our flesh does not want to be held accountable for anything. But as a believer, it is a must and a great blessing to have someone who cares enough about your spiritual walk to come beside you in love and encourage you!
I have a sweet sister in the Lord who will ask me how my study is going and what the Lord is teaching me. She does not do this every day or every week, but she does it often. If you need it every day, let her know you need her to remind you every day. Remember, when she does, she does it because you asked, and she loves you!
Cut out TV and Social Media if You are Struggling
When I looked at how much time I spent watching a TV series or how much time I spend on Social Media, I was shocked and sickened! Let’s just say, it was too much. If you struggle to stay consistent in Bible study look at the amount of time you spend watching TV and scrolling through Facebook. You will be surprised how much time it uses.
You may not watch TV or scroll through Social Media, but I bet there is something that occupies your time! There are 30 minutes to an hour that we can find in our day! It just takes looking hard and prioritizing our desires.
Give Yourself Some Grace
The last thing I will recommend, give yourself some grace! But do not give up! Life happens, and our best attempt at planning does not always work out! Guess what? It is ok! God knows the plans He has for you! Interruptions happen! If my scheduled time is interrupted, there is sometimes a different time that same day that will work. Not always, but many times! If a time does not show itself, pick up where you left off the next day!
Getting you in the Word is my desire!
I know first hand how God works through prayer and His word to encourage and teach us! My desire for you is to know God and grow in your walk with the Lord. I have several Bible Studies available for you and some articles that will encourage and equip you in your walk. I hope they are a help and an encouragement to you.
Why is it That Important to Memorize Scripture
Why I recommend the New Inductive Study Bible
I want to Know You… Studying the Attributes of God
Six Important Questions to Ask When You Study the Bible
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I try to sit down on the couch after I get my husband off to work and study before the day gets away from me. Or if it already has, I bring my Bible to the breakfast table. Since I have to eat, it guarantees at least 15 minutes, and helps me start my day off in God’s word instead of the never-ending words on my phone. Then I have some spiritually nourishing thoughts to think on throughout my busy day.
Thank you for these tips. Especially on praying for the desire to study. When my kids were a lot younger, I barely had time to glance at my Bible (at least I convinced myself of that at the time), but I never thought to pray that I would develop a love for the word.
Have a wonderful day, friend!
Gleniece, what a great idea to sit before the day gets away! It sure has a way of doing that! I know about convincing myself I do not have time… so easy to get caught in that trap! You are welcome for the tips, friend! Thank you for sharing yours with us! Have a wonderful, weekend!
Keep up the great work sister. May God and Jesus bless you am deathly help you to continually to grow in Him!
And bless you and help you to grow in Him! Sorry but typo error on previous reply.
Thank you for your encouragement, Marcia!!
I believe the most important reason we seek Truth is to find GOD’S purpose for who we are “in Christ”.
I find myself continuously praying for The Spirit of Truth to guide, direct and lead The way. In order to gain His knowledge and act of wisdom, it must be in spirit, for GOD Is Spirit. Without The Devine companionship of His Spirit and our spirit, it’s difficult to hear the true message being conveyed by The Holy ONE.
The flesh tend to try to rationalize the importance of worldly gain ahead of “The Word”, but we know that is a futile distraction.
When we try to find a way to justify putting our human importance before The Love of The Lord, we lack the commitment to ‘the One’, Who died on The Cross for us.
We should not put our individual cares before; The Living GOD, instead, we should cast all our worries, anxieties and fears at His Feet so that “in Him” we are provided all we need for this Life and Eternally there after.
He is The Giver of Life. If we seek first, GOD’S Kingdom and ‘His’ righteousness, and not our own worldly understanding, comprehension and conjecture….we will receive The Helper that Lord Jesus promise us, “if we’d just ask, His Father, He will give us; The gift of The Holy Spirit.”
The Word that became flesh for us should be placed first in the Life that which we were given and our own flesh should be there after. The King came down to serve us, it’s time we pay back the ransom.
It was His own Blood and Flesh for ours, ‘we’ that belong to Him, know that- our spirit is clothed in, “His Body”.
Hi, Sean! Thank you for such a thought out response! Yes! Christ should be placed first in our life! Praise God for the Helper, The Holy Spirit who guides, directs, teaches, and trains us in righteousness!
I cam across your web page again today I had visited it awhile ago. I struggle terribly with studying God’s word. After reading what you said about the importance of studying God’s word I know it is time for me to be consistent. I am an adult Sunday school teacher and often using preparing my lesson as my study time which too is often hit or miss. God has been speaking to my heart for a long time about this and for those out there who have be in the same situation there is no one any more miserable then a christian who is not doing what you know your Father wants you to do. He is only doing it for our own good and so often we think we know better, how wrong we are. So thank you for your words and encouragement. I will keep you posted on my journey. God bless you He is using you mightily.
Carolyn Walton, you are so right God wants our best and we think we know better! Who do we think we are? I am thankful He has convicted your heart about studying His word. I am thankful that I can encourage you! Please keep me up to date on how you are doing. Blessings, Sister!
This is definitely something I need to be better at. Being more consistent in The Word. Thank you for this article and the encouragement 🙂
You are very welcome, Dawn! I am thankful it was an encouragement to you! We all struggle with this at times, thankful for reminders as well!
Sometimes I only read one chapter or a few verses and get lost in studying the meaning. Like you said, it’s not a formula, it’s about being spiritually nourished! I am amazed at how “full” I feel after digging deep into a commentary or word study. God reveals so much to us in the depths of His rich Word and He created us with an intellect to pursue and discover it!
Hi Stephanie!
I know exactly what you mean. I can get caught up in one place of scripture and stay for hours. God does reveal so much to us through His word. So thankful He equips us with the mind to know and understand! Keep studying to know more about Who God is! Thank you for stopping by today!
This was helpful
Thank you Brian, I am thankful you found this helpful!