Bible Devotion Corner
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Have you ever finished studying through a book of the Bible and pridefully said, “I have that under my belt, now I can move on to another book? Well! I have! I thought if I got through a book or a chapter in God’s Word that, that was it, time to move on and learn something else. We can never complete the study of the Bible.

Have you noticed, like me, you cannot exhaust, finish, or learn all there is in God’s word? The same book you and I spent hours and days studying still contains teachings we did not see and learn. I can read a verse or chapter I’ve studied a trillion times and say, “I do not remember that, or, Wow, that is what that meant. Why did I not get it the first time or the tenth time I read it?” There are also places we studied and got it all wrong and misinterpreted the passage. Does any of this make you excited or sad, glad or mad, humble or proud?
We Can Never Complete the Study of the Bible
It use to upset me when I had studied so hard and someone else gave an insight into a verse or passage I had not seen or thought of. Or I read a commentary and thought, “how did they get so much from this passage!” Well, we have a word for that and it is pride! You know as well as I do pride gets us off track. It can cause us to study just to learn. Remember, what the Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 8:1: “We all have knowledge. Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies.” Study and study hard! But never study just to learn. If you and I are studying just to learn, there is something seriously wrong with our heart. Bible study is not a competition.
Nor is it ‘a’ I read my chapters for the day, I can check that off my list of things to do. It is time spent searching and learning who our Heavenly Father is, Who Christ is and His work on the cross.
Today when you study, go in with a heart to learn what the Spirit teaches today. Then tomorrow go back with a child-like faith and say, “teach me today what it is You would have me to learn and apply to my life.” Then walk in the teaching while the Holy Spirit grows and sanctities you in His perfect timing.