Are You in the Middle of a Mess? Stand With God!
After, living in our house for 12 years my husband and I decided it is time to get rid of debt. Not to mention, our three children decided to grow up and start a life of their own! Go figure! So downsizing is in order. He will retire in 3-5 years and we do not want debt hanging over our heads nor a house bigger than we can take care of. So the cleaning, purging and packing begins!
Messy Drives Me Crazy!
I cannot stand a messy room! I know that my observation of a mess and yours may be different. But let me tell you some rooms in my house right now are a mess. I have a room upstairs that used to be my oldest sons’ room.
He is married and has a place of his own. {You know one of those which decided to get a carrier and start a family!}
When he moved out, I moved my office into this now empty room. Not only is it my office, it serves as a guest room and now a dumping room. Everything we clean out, closets, drawers… ends up in this room until it’s purged and packed away for moving. As I write this post, the room is full of piles needing sorted and packed.
Messy Room and a Messy World
This morning I made my way downstairs to do some morning cleaning, as I made my way back upstairs the mess in the room, still there, made me stop and think about something.
This messy room reminded me of the messy world we live in. It is going from bad to worse as you read this post. Depravity, wickedness, and evil are all around. God has no honor in His world. Sisters, you and I live right in the midst of the mess!
Remember, I said I hate messes. Usually, I have to clean a room before I can work in it or relax. Because the room is not only my office but the dumping grounds, I have to write and study in the middle of all the mess. Fortunately, I can look out the window and the mess is at my back.
You and I also have a Sovereign Mighty God to look at and hold to as we navigate through this messy world.
Avoidance and Anxiety Must be Avoided
How do we live in a world that is messy all the time? How do we live in a world not our home? We could be tempted to avoid it or become anxious and fret over it. What would that accomplish but more fret and worry?
Avoidance must be avoided. You and I are called to be salt and light in an evil, dark place. Remember, you and I were also part of this world system{ Titus 3:3, Ephesians 2:1-3} until the grace of God rescued us. Titus 3:4-7; Ephesians 2:4-9; 1 John 5:4.}
We must avoid anxiety because there is nothing to worry or be anxious about!
The LORD is the One Who Holds Your Hand
Psalm 37:1-40, is a Word which we must cling too in this messy, evil world. It points out the ways of the wicked but also points us to the ONE who holds our hand!
“When he falls he will not be hurled headlong, because the LORD is the One who holds his hand.” Psalm 37:24
Psalm 37:23, tells us that our steps are established by the LORD. When we fall, He has our hand. If God is holding us nothing in this messy world can have us!
Throughout this Psalm is promise after promise of God’s Sovereign Hand over those who take refuge in Him!
“For the LORD loves justice and does not forsake His godly ones; they are preserved forever, but the descendants of the wicked will be cut off.” Psalm 37:28.
” The LORD will not leave him in his hand or let him be condemned when he is judged.”
” The LORD helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in Him.” Psalm 37:40.
Standing With God in the Middle of the Mess!
Sisters, we are here because God put us here. Until He takes us home, to His perfect place, we must live in this messy world. We can never stop shining or hide ourselves away until He returns.
Like I said earlier we are here to be salt and light in a dark place. Read the words of Christ in Matthew 5:14-16:
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”
Time to Clean Up the Mess
Time to tackle this mess. When I am finished with this one, there will be another. There will always be messy. The world will not get better, it will always be messy, evil, and wicked. However, we can go out into it, with the LORD holding our hand, and shine so others will see our good deeds. Our Father will be glorified and others will saved.
If you have read Psalm 37, I want to encourage you to do so. Memorize it, write it on your hearts, so that the evil days do not overtake you!
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Hi, Lisa. I can’t stand a messy room either! It bothers me like crazy. I need to tidy my spaces in order for me to focus. And yes, this world is ONE BIG MESS! But cleaning that mess is up to God. The only thing we can do is hold tight to God’s hand in the chaos and be a light. Loved this post, friend.
Hi, Gleniece!
Thankful God hangs on to us in this messy, messy world! I am also thankful He is the One doing the cleaning! Thanks for our encouraging words!