Be careful! Your Excitement over Bible Study could lead you down the Wrong Path! I bet you never expected to hear me or anyone else say that. You may even think, Who in their right mind would say, “Bible Study would lead you down a wrong path?” Bible Study should keep you on the right path! You are right, it does. However, there are pitfalls, one in particular, you and I need to know and avoid. Let’s sit a minute and talk. I hope when we’re done you understand what I mean. And if you are always learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth, I pray the Holy Spirit of God will open your heart and mind to understand, so you can get back on the right path!
Participating in Too Many Studies?
The subject of Bible Study is on my mind right now. Starting October 2nd, I am doing an online study in the book of James! You can learn more here-{Learning to Walk in Genuine Faith} The response is great and Hundreds of women are signing up for the study. I am humbled and excited to see so many women desire to study the Word of God. But I have a stirring in my heart I cannot let go. I keep asking myself this question,
“How many women signing up for this study are also signing up for one or more studies at the same time?”
You may ask, “Why is that any of my business or concern?”
I agree with you, it may not be any of my business, but it is a concern!
This is My Concern!
My concern comes from a desire that wants each of us, myself included, to know the truth of God’s Word. Not to mention for a believer this is the meat and substance of our walk. The Bible warns that it is possible to be learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. Look at 2 Timothy 3:6-7:
“For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
Notice how Paul describes these “learning” women:
- Weak, gullible
- Weighed down by sin
- Led astray by various passions
- Never able to come to the knowledge of the truth
Do you notice anything odd about what Paul is teaching? If a child of God, which is filled by the Holy Spirit, is not learning, is weak or gullible, and weighted down by sin, something is dreadfully wrong!
Warning: If You’re Learning but Never coming to the Knowledge of the Truth!
With the Internet and Social media at our fingertips we can sign up for as many Bible Studies as we want. There’s no shortage. And may I add, no shortage of bad ones either! That is a problem, one we can discuss another day!
However, there is a shortage of knowing and understanding the truths of God’s Word.
One reason for a lack of biblical understanding, in my opinion, is taking part in too many studies at one time. This is my topic for today, but I will add another one, taking part in Bible Studies that are fluff and no substance. When there is no substance in study but everything which pleases the flesh, there is learning but no true knowledge. True biblical knowledge leads to repentance, faith and good works.
What is Driving Women to Crave Bible Study?
Something is driving women to crave study. God places a desire in us to know Him through His word. However, the Spirit guides the believer into all truth. John 16:13. Knowing truth is a result of biblical learning.
So, what could it be?
Since I began hosting on-line studies, I have noticed this one thing, women get excited! I mean really excited over a new Bible Study. They get so excited that I see some of these same women joining 2-5 studies at the same time. I wish I were exaggerating but I am not.
We know nothing is wrong with excitement about studying the Bible when it’s coupled with wisdom. We should get excited about studying the word but it should come with zeal mixed with understanding.
I am reminded of what Paul says about the Pharisees in Romans 10:1-3, “They have a zeal for God but not in accordance with knowledge.” The writer of Proverbs 19:2 says this, “Also it is not good for a person to be without knowledge, and he who hurries his footsteps errs“
The Negative Results of Always Learning!
There can be many negative result in taking part in to many studies at one time. Here are a few which come to mind:
- Learning but not understanding
- Blind and deceived to the real truths of the gospel
- No time to process and pray about what you are studying.
- Hurried footsteps lead to error
Well planned study, this would include finding solid studies, and only doing what is possible, will have a positive effect, resulting in strength and not weakness. {There must also be the working of the Holy Spirit guiding you into all truth.} I Did not want to leave that out and let you think I was putting emphasizes on our timing, planning, and study!
The purpose of Bible study is to bring us to the knowledge of truth. The fear of God should be our driving force. Our desire should be obedience which brings honor and glory to Him.
Bible Study is Not Really the Problem!
Bible study is not the problem. The problem is a lack of wisdom. Excitement and feelings rule the heart and mind not wisdom. Listen to something my pastor once said, “Bible study can be an idol.” To be honest, I thought he was crazy! But after observing my own life and looking at other women, not in judgment but observation, I will have to agree with what he said! If you or I get super excited about Bible Study and we sign up to take part in as many as possible it is time for a heart check.
The woman described in 2 Timothy is not building her life on the truths of the Bible.
There Could Be a Bigger Issue!
The woman we are talking about could be a believer although a very deceived one. As a child of God this post may stir your heart. If so, take this time to ask yourself these questions:
- How many Bible Studies am I taking part in right now?
- Am I learning what I am studying? If not why?
- What do I need to do to get back on the right path?
This woman could also be an unbeliever! Her hearts not changed through the power of the Holy Spirit. This would make more sense in light of the context of 2 Timothy 3.
If you would like to talk or have questions please contact me! I will be honored to talk to you about Christ!
Scripture is Profitable
The apostle Paul ends 2 Timothy chapter 3 with these words:
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Bible study is profitable. The Scripture teaches, corrects, get us back on the right path, and trains us in righteousness. If the word of God is not changing you, there is a problem. Seek wisdom, James teaches if any of us lacks wisdom we need to ask God for it. If we ask in faith without doubting God will supply us with wisdom! James 1:5-8. Ask God today for wisdom in taking part in women’s Bible Study.
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I trying to put in practice gods word, but some how find my self very short and disappointing myself and god
Rae, I understand the disappointment and the desire to try and fall short. But praise be to God for Christ and His work on the cross. We will always fall short but Christ’s righteousness has been imputed to us who believe. Read Pauls words in Romans 7:14-25. Then read Romans 8. I pray God uses His word to encourage you and give you hope!