This post goes along with our study Reading Twelve Old Testament Books. You can purchase the workbook here: Study Guide for Reading Twelve Old Testament Books.
The theme of this Psalm is as big as the whole Bible. It lays out before us two paths. 1) The way of the righteous. 2) The way of the wicked. On one path we see the plight of the wicked man, and on the other the blessing of the righteous man. This Psalm centers around God and the truth of the Gospel. Proverbs 14:12 says this, “There is a way which seems right to man, but its end is the way of death.” The wicked walk in the path which seems right to him. However, the righteous walk in and delight in the word of the LORD. There is good fruit produced in those delighting in the word of God.

The Way of the Righteous
The righteous man is blessed with God’s grace of repentance. He bears fruit in keeping with repentance. The righteous man delights in the law of the Lord. He meditates on God’s word day and night. It is his plumb line. It shows him where he is and directs him to the right path. He heeds the word of God, although not perfectly, but strives to live pleasing to the Lord.
The Fruit of Delighting in the Word of God
|He will be lik a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yield its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither, and in whatever he foes he prospers.| Psalm 1:3
The fruit of joy is produced in the righteous man who walks the narrow path. He does not delight in the ways of the world but instead delights in the ways of the Lord. The word of the Lord is a light unto his path and a lamp unto his feet. He knows where to go for food and nourishment. Christ is his bread of life. The righteous man is God’s man. He’s planted firmly in the shelter of the Most High God. God protects him, and takes the shears of discipline and prunes him so that in his season he will bear fruit.
The Lord Knows the Way of the Righteous
One day all men will stand before the judgment seat of Christ. The wicked will not stand in the company of the righteous. They will perish under the wrath of God. But, The Lord knows the ways of His people. He is the all-knowing God. Do not fear righteous one! God takes delight in and protects His children. Those who are in Christ will one day hear, “well done my good and faithful servant.”
Every time we approach the word of God we are met with guidance and instruction from the mouth of God. Heed His words righteous ones! Delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
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