Books. You can purchase the workbook here: Study Guide for Reading Twelve Old Testament Books.
|How long, O LORD, will I call for help, and you will not hear? I cry out to You, “Violence” yet You do not save.|
My pastor made this statement yesterday in his sermon,”The state of the church is linked to the state of the culture.” Any of us who read the Bible with any consistency and look around at the landscape of today will whole heartedly agree with this statement.
His words keep rolling through my mind leaving behind this question, “How do I react to the dilemma of the church culture in my day?” We know how Habakkuk reacted! He cried out to God with a where are You?
- Have You forgotten Your people?
- How long will You let lawlessness and wickedness prevail?
Or, we find ourselves on the other end of the scale unaffected by the state of the church in 2017. So what is the answer to the question, “How do I react to the dilemma of the church today?” There is an answer! God gives it to us in this little book of Habakkuk!
Look, Wonder and be amazed! God is Doing Something!
It appears as if we live in a time of uncertainty. Nothing in our day seems reliable. It looks like the church is failing and all hope is lost. Our hearts cry out, where are You God? He answers with these words,
|Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days_ you would not believe if you were told.| Habakkuk 1: 5
Open your faith eyes to see I AM is doing something in our day! God is sovereign! He is in complete control of each and every circumstance in your life, in the church, and the world today! Is there any need to fear the unknown? Is there any place for lack of trust in our Sovereign God?
We’re called to look, wonder, and be amazed at what God is doing! The times are not uncertain! They are fixed and held in the mighty hand of God!
- Do you believe dear one that God is among us?
- Do you trust Him?
- Are you walking by faith or by sight?
|I will stand on my guard post. And station myself on the rampart; and I will keep watch and see what He will speak to me, and how I may reply when I am reproved.| Habakkuk 2:1
Repent of your lack of faith and trust in God. Stand guard over your heart. Station yourself in the defense of your faith. Look around you! Settle into the word of God and see what He speaks through His word. Know He is doing something!
The Righteous Shall Live By Faith
|Behold as for the proud one, his soul is not right within him; but the righteous shall live by faith.| Habakkuk 2:4
God will bring His people, those who are secure in Christ Jesus, out of bondage to this world and the schemes of the devil. God moves forth for the salvation of His people. Beloved, live by faith in the Son of God who loves you and gave Himself up for you! In the midst of your time on this earth rejoice in the Lord of your salvation! He is here. You are not abandoned. The LORD God is your strength!
I would love to know, are you resting or wrestling with the circumstances of our day?

Oh, what a wonderful reminder that God is sovereign – He is in control and He cannot be shaken!! Like Habakkuk, may I be found to “stand upon my watch, and fix my foot upon the tower: and I will watch, to see what will be said to me”.
It is good to be reminded of God’s Sovereignty isn’t Belinda! What rest in knowing He has EVERYTHING under control! My heart beets wth yours, May I be found upon my watch! Thank you for stopping by today!