Reading 12 Old Testament Books: Micah
This post goes along with our study Reading Twelve Old Testament Books. You can purchase the workbook here: Study Guide for Reading Twelve Old Testament Books.
As I read the book of Micah this week a thought entered my mind, “Beloved, It is Time for Know and Tell!” Do you remember way back in preschool and first-grade participating in “Show and Tell?” That’s been a few years for me so remembering those times is a little blurry. However, I can remember as a {Homeschool}Preschool and First Grade teacher the excitement the children had for this special time. They would bring their favorite toy or book, and excitedly tell the class all about what they brought. I think I loved seeing the sparkle in their eyes more than they enjoyed presenting. Wonderful memories and good times. As we grow into adults we no longer participate in these childish things. I am thinking maybe we should!
Micah Knew and Told!
Micah whose name means “who is like Jehovah,” was God’s mouthpiece to the rebellious rulers and people of Israel. He was a man who knew His God and was ready to fulfill his call as a prophet to the people. No matter what words God put in his mouth. The words Micah spoke were words of judgment and hope. His message was not lopsided, all hope with no judgment nor all judgment with no hope. Micah knew all truth and went to tell the people!
[bctt tweet=”Micah knew all truth and went to tell the people of His day! Are you armed and ready to be the Miah of your day? ” username=”LisaMorris3703″]
The LORD is Coming Forth From His Place!
|Hear now, heads of Jacob and rulers of the house of Israel. Is it not for you to know justice?| Micah 3:1
In Jeremiah’s day, the false prophets cried out peace, peace when there was no peace. According to Micah 3:1-4, the rulers of Micah’s day hated good and loved evil. Not much has changed, has it? We could take the generation of our day and lay it on top of the book of Micah and it would fit like a perfect puzzle piece! Evil is called good and good is called evil. And this is coming from the church! All the while the rebellious rulers and people of Micah’s day and the rebellious preachers, teachers, and people of our day believe they are in favor with God! Why? Because they identify with Him! As I wrote the word “Identify” I am reminded of the sickness of the minds of men and women who claim to Identify as… Men identifying as women, women identifying as men… we could go on but I think you know where I am going. You can identify all you want with whatever you want but DNA proves you are what you are. Those who identify as believers, God knows your DNA. He knows your heart. You can fool me but you cannot fool God.
We Know. We Must Go and Tell
The people of God have a message of judgment and hope. We know judgment is coming. We must go and tell. Remember Micah? He was willing to go to the people with whatever words God put in His mouth. You and I must have that same heart. Why? Because people cannot know hope unless they know they are hopeless. People cannot know hope unless they see the sin that so easily entangles them. They cannot know what they are being saved from unless they are told!
What Words Do I Use?
God puts words of judgment and hope in Micah’s mouth. Today we use the words of the Bible to go and tell. There is no new revelation. There are no new words only those which were penned by the men God chose to record His words. He is preserving His word. Remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:18?
|For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law until all is fulfilled.|
God’s Word, the Bible, these are the words with which we reach a lost and dying world. These words are the words we use to correct and guide the people of the church. They are words of judgment and words of hope! Those of us who know, are you ready and prepared to go and tell?
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We are in perilous times as believers and it is difficult for some of us to believe this. We have a great trust in religious leaders in our country. Especially, charismatic leaders. What we need though is godly leaders. There is a difference. The religious leader runs a system and does what he/she needs to do to sustain it and build a bigger ministry and a bigger church edifice. The godly leader speaks truth from God’s word and looks to build up the body of Christ.
It feels to me like a change has been happening to religious leaders in our time. The truth of God’s word is not what they want to hear or what they want to promote and teach in their ‘church’. In their minds there isn’t enough potential for truth to attract lots of people. However, the church is for the believer and not the unbeliever. Today’s religious leaders have made the church applicable and relevant for the unbeliever. This makes no sense and would not be something that God would ask leaders to do for the benefit of his people. In my thinking the church is meant for training believers in righteousness and give a witness to the power of God through the Holy Spirit. The power of God to change lives, give freedom from sin, make a new creation, perfect godliness, wisdom, and right living, enable and empower sacrifice, love, hope in the believer’s life, etc. etc.
Lindam, we so need godly leaders who stand on and stick too the Holy word of God! I agree, the church is for the bliever. We must be fed to grow in santification and love for our brothers and sisters. When fed well in our local congregation and studying and praying on our own we will be equipped to go and tell others the Good News of Jesus Christ. All of the News not just a lopped sided presentation! Thank you for your ensight! I always look forward to hearing from you! Blessings!