|But on Mount Zion, there will be those who escape, and it will be holy. And the house of Jacob will possess their possessions| Obadiah 1:17

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This post goes along with our study Reading Twelve Old Testament Books. You can purchase the workbook here: Study Guide for Reading Twelve Old Testament Books.
The day of the Lord draws near. God’s message to Jacob/Israel in the book of Obadiah is restoration, rescue, reward, and rest from the sufferings in this world. Those who have fled their pride and humbled themselves under the sustaining hand of the Lord will soon rest in His promise of complete salvation.
“The book of Obadiah a message of rescue, restoration, reward, and rest for the children of God!”
Possessing Our Possessions Inherit Our Inheritance
|The house of Jacob will possess their possessions.| Obadiah 1:17

God promised Abraham He would make him into a great nation, He would bless him, and to his descendants, He would give the Promised Land. A land flowing with milk and honey. Genesis 12:1-9. One day soon God will reveal His Promises. Jacob will possess their possessions.
Take heart beloved, if you believe in the deliverer, Jesus Christ, the possessions and the blessings are yours in Christ Jesus. God grafted you into the Olive tree, the chosen nation of Israel. Romans 11:17-24.
Hope in the Glory to be Revealed
The day of the Lord draws near. Israel suffered under the hands of its enemies we to suffer with them. God promised not only blessings to His children but also suffering. 1 Peter 2:21. The sufferings we experience pale in comparison to the glory God will one day reveal to us. Romans 8:18. Praise God, our faith will be made sight. Rejoice beloved, the day of the Lord draws near!

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What I seem to notice when reading the Bible lately is that ‘we are being saved’ in many scriptures. That ‘we will be saved if we call upon the Lord’, and so on. Here at the end of the book of Obadiah we see that ‘we have been saved’ at some point before the Day of the Lord ? I am thinking that we are in a process of being saved at this time. The scripture says ‘work out your salvation with fear and trembling’. This idea makes more sense when we look at the exhortations in the Bible. If we simply make a confession of belief in Jesus without the accompanying conformity to Christ for salvation then there is no reason to defeat sin in our lives. There would be no reason for God to send the Holy Spirit. This is not what the Bible teaches.
I have heard it said this way, “We are saved, we are being saved, and will be saved.” The believer is in a constant state of sanctification. You are right, Lindam! There would be no reason to defeat sin or for God to send the Holy Spirit.