Every Sunday morning a large number of people get up, get dressed in their “Sunday best” and head to church. I have attended church my entire life. Going to Sunday School, singing songs, giving a tithe, participating in communion…In my mind, I believed I was doing what God required. Just a few years ago God opened my eyes to see that my worship and the worship of many around me amounted to nothing but idolatry! Is God delighting in the worship of His people?
Sunday Morning Idol Worship
I heard Paul Washer say this in one of his sermons,” Sunday morning is the greatest hour of idolatry in the entire week.” The reason being, most people who are worshipping are worshipping a god they do not know. “They are worshipping a god who looks more like Santa Clause than the God of the Bible.”
Hear the words of the LORD from Amos 5:12|I hate, I reject your festivals, nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies. Even though you offer to Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them; And I will not even look at the peace offerings of your fatlings.|
Solomon teaches in Ecclesiastes 12:14, God will bring everything we do good or evil to judgment. God knows the heart of all men. Nothing is hidden from His eyes. God tells His people that He rejects their festivals, will not accept their burnt offerings nor the grain offering. All the statutes and commands which God established He will not honor. Why? Because their hearts were far away from Him.
Guarding Our Steps
The book of Amos is a warning to the people of God. He who has ears to hear let him hear! In the last chapter of Ecclesiastes Solomon warns the people to guard their steps as they go to the house of God. Worship is a time to praise God for who He is. It is a time to listen to God’s Word and obey His commands.
|Guard your steps as you go into the house of God and draw near to listen rather than offer the sacrifice of fools’ for they do not know they are doing evil.| Ecclesiastes 5:1|
This verse teaches that the fool does not know what he is doing! The deceitfulness of sin, our own striving and arrogance can take us to a place that is far from the true worship of God. Are we worshipping the true God or an idol? Is God delighting in the worship of His people?
Behold, Days Are Coming I Will Send a Famine
In Amos 8:11, God declares He will send a famine on the land. This famine will not be for bread or thirst but a famine for hearing His word. Famine was sent for judgment on the nation of Israel. Famine for the Word of God is a judgment for the people. This famine is far worse than a famine for bread or water. For we will perish if not fed physically. But Far worse is to die spiritually without the water of God’s Word! I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet but I do believe there will come a day when God’s Word will cease. The final end will come and there will no longer be a day to hear and believe.
True Worship
There is a worship that is acceptable to God.
We must worship God in spirit and in truth. Our guide to true worship is the Word of God. He gives us everything we need to worship Him correctly. If we are not in His Word seeking to know Him and what He requires our worship is wasted. I do not know about you but I desire not to waste my worship. I pray each of us seeks to know the God of the Bible. The One true God.
Is God delighting in your worship? Seek Him while He may be found! Ask Him if you are worshipping in spirit and in truth. There is hope. God will redeem and restore a repentant people!
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Great post! I’m thinking of Jesus at the well with the woman of Samaria in John 4 , where he tells his returning disciples who are urging him to eat, ” I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” and then, “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to complete his work.” ….our food as well!
Yes, Anne! To do the will of our Father is our food! Thank you for this great insight! Thank you for your encouragement as well!
I’ve heard it said, “the greatest threat to the Christian believer in our day is deception”. If we do not accept truth we will continue to worsen in our character and in our mind and actions. Love God and his word or be given over to a reprobate mind. I think the danger of today’s Christian teaching is assuring the believer that as long as he/she has said a small prayer to Jesus, they are guaranteed a right standing with God eternally. This is not true according to the scriptures. Amos teaches us that we can get far off from God while still being involved in the things of God.
I totally agree, Lindam! Jesus teaches to bear fruit in keeping with repentance!