The book of Ruth, a picture of hope in the darkest of days, What a great book to start our study. I pray the truth of hope carries us through the rest of our days! God provides a kinsman-redeemer.
|Then Naomi her mother-n-law said to her, “My daughter, shall I not seek security for you, that it may be well with you?” Ruth 3:1|
There are so many lessons in this little book of Ruth! It is difficult to know where to focus.
I could focus on this:
The people of God were living as they desired. Israel had a true King, God, but they refused to follow Him. They wanted an earthly king so they could be like all the other nations. This story takes place in the dark days when the Judges ruled. During this period of history, Israel was without a king and the people did what was right in their own eyes. Judges 21:25.
I could focus on this:
Elimelek left his homeland, Israel, and sojourned to the land of Moab, Israel’s enemy, after God commanded them to never seek their peace or their prosperity from them all of their days. Deuteronomy 23:3-6
I could focus on this:
Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah are widows in the land of Moab hungry, needy, and without a protector.
I could focus on one of those but I find that we need to focus on all three. Why? Because they all have one thing in common. All of these facts. All of these lessons are in need of the same thing, a redeemer, a protector, and one who loves without condition.
- Israel needs unconditional love because they have left their first love, God.
- Israel needs a redeemer because they have mixed themselves with a godless nation.
- Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah are in need of food and protection.
- You and I are in need because we also left our God. We have mixed in with a godless world. We are hungry spiritually and have no way of helping ourselves.
The book of Ruth is a picture of God providing all of these needs in His Son, Jesus Christ, the Kinsman redeemer.
God Provides for the Physical needs of His People

We can see the physical needs of Naomi and Ruth as we walk through this book. No husbands, hungry, alone, in need of protection. God makes provision for all of our needs. We see this with His making and establishing the “Levirate Marriage law.”
According to this law if the husband of an Israelite woman dies and leaves her with no children it was the duty of her brother-n-law to marry her and have children to carry on the family name. Deuteronomy 25:5-6. This man would also be here provider and her protector, her kinsman-redeemer. The kinsman-redeemer, a male relative who had the privilege and responsibility to help a female relative in trouble or need. The Hebrew term Kinsman-redeemer (Go El) is one who delivers or rescues another. Boaz, a man of character, integrity, a close relative, steps up to deliver and rescue Ruth.
God Provides for the Spiritual Needs of His People
The levirate marriage, the kinsman-redeemer, is a picture of a much greater need! The people of God are in need of being rescued from the domain of darkness. God meets this need through our Kinsman-Redeemer, Christ Jesus. Colossians 1:13-14 teaches, God rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He redeems and sets us free from our sins. He is our protector, rescuer, provider, and hope. Those who believe in Him are now the Bride of Christ, the church. Safe and secure in Him!
|Then Boaz said to the elders and all the people, “You are my witnesses today that I have bought from the hand of Naomi all that belonged to Elimelech and all that belonged to Chilion and Mahlon.|Ruth 3:9.
Jesus died on the cross and paid the penalty for our sins. We have been bought with a price. 1 Corinthians 7:23.
|Blessed is the LORD who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may His name become famous in Israel.| Ruth 4:14.
Praise God we are not left without a redeemer! May His name be great among the nations!
Praise God with me today! Thanking Him for His provision and protection through His Son Jesus Christ!
I loved all the fine points you made here, Lisa. Thank you for delving into this little book and revealing such BIG truths about our Kinsman-Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Have a lovely day, my friend.
Thank you Gleniece!! Thankful He is our hope! An anchor for our souls! Blessings, sweet friend!
What I see here is Ruth being a type of Christian. She left her family, her country, her heritage to follow Naomi wherever she might go. She took on Naomi’s ways, her people, her God. Ruth stayed faithful. She let Naomi guide her steps, and was obedient to her. It was through these actions that Ruth was noticed by Boaz and deemed worthy to be his wife.
Hi, Lindam!! Yes, I agree! Orpah went back to her country and their gods. Ruth, however, followed Naomi and desired to serve the One and only true God! Thank you for sharing your insight! I am amazed at the many lessons we find in this book! Blessings, Lisa:)