Studying the Attributes of God
I want to know Your attributes, God!
Is that the cry of your heart?
For years I thought I knew who God was. And I did to a certain extent. But I soon learned that my knowledge of God was out of proportion.
I understood God to be Love. That is what I focused all of my attention on.
God is Love But Much More
God certainly has a way of correcting us in the most unexpected ways. I am very thankful that He corrects those who are is!
Several years ago, God brought a woman into my life who became my mentor and friend. Her understanding of God was completely opposite of mine.
She understood God to be wrathful and condemning.
Two very different views wouldn’t you say?
I was on one end of the spectrum while she was on the other. Thankfully, through the study of His word we’ve met in the middle! You see God is love but He is so much more.
When you really start to focus on what His word teaches, you will begin to know the One true God. But until our focus is on what He reveals in His word we will be unbalanced in our thinking as Vicki and I were.
More importantly, if we do not diligently seek to know the God of the Bible by studying His attributes from the Bible,
•We set up
•Chase after
•And worship a false god.
Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? But it is true. By me focusing on God being only love, I was setting up an idol. I was making Him what I wanted Him to be not who He is and He reveals about Himself.
So how do we learn who God is and not make a false idol?
We study what He reveals about Himself through His word.
Looking For the Attributes of God
The only place you and I can go to learn the attributes of God is straight to the source, the Bible, God’s Holy Word.
In it, God reveals who He is and how He requires us to worship Him.
In order to keep myself on track and really know God, I put into practice a way to learn His attributes.
When I study a book of the Bible I always start by
•Looking for
•And recording, every attribute of God that I see in the book that I am studying.
Yes, it is work.
Yes, it takes time.
But the benefits far out way the work! I am actually learning who God is, not who I think He is. Nor am I limiting His glory.
God is glorified in His love and in His wrath!
Have I convinced you this is the way to study and learn who God is?
I sure hope so. I know you do not want to set up idols.
You will never regret putting this type of study into practice, I promise!
How to Get Started
First, you will need a
- Bible
- Pens and or pencils
- Your Printable: Download Here: I want to Know You God
- Pick A book to study through
I will suggest starting with a small book, like Titus, 1 John, or Philippians.
Now that you have your Bible and have picked a book, get a pen or pencil, and your printable.
Systematically work through the book you have chosen. Start by reading through the book.
If it is a small book like Titus, read the entire book before you begin.
If you decide to just jump into a larger book, read through the chapter before you begin to record what you are learning.
Next, start in chapter 1 verse 1 and work through each verse recording what you learn. (Note: Not every verse or chapter will have information about God. When you run across this just move on. Do not try to make the verse say something that it does not.)
Example: Titus 1:2-” In the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago.” In this verse we learn that God cannot lie.
I always mark God in my Bible a special way. Here is a sample of the symbol I use to mark God. If you are a marker, be consistent. That way when you have worked through your chapter and books you will know exactly where God is mentioned!

I have always used a spiral bound notebook. However I thought it would be great to offer you a free printable that you can use for your study.
And He’s always better than we think He is
Amen Leah! He is always better and more than we think or know!
What a cool printable and reminder of who God really is. It’s always easier for me to compare my relationship with the Lord with that of my relationship with my children. I take the time to get to know my children so I can be the best mother I can for them, provide blessings, and be there for them in difficult situations in a way that nobody else can be. In the same way, we must take the time to get to know God. The more we understand Him, the easier it is to hear Him, to know answers to our questions, and to have more confidence as we walk through seasons in our life. Thank you so much for sharing and reminding me to dig in and really take time to get to know all sides of our Father.
Kelly, digging in and learning about God is our greatest work! Thank you for stopping by today with your encouraging words!
Lisa, I have never thought about how only focusing on one attribute of God could lead us to set up a false idol, but I completely agree that we have to trust God to be who HE says He is rather than who we think he should be. He is big enough to be both loving and just, jealous and good. Thank you for this reminder and the challenge to know him better!
Charlie, you are right He is big enough to be loving and just… You are welcome! Thankful you dropped by today! Blessings!
I plan to do this & learn more about who God actually is based on His Word, not who I think He is. Thanks so much for bringing this study tool to my attention! I respect that your website is always based on sound Christian doctrine! Thanks for continuing to bring us the truth!!!
Hi Kelly! I am so thankful you desire to know the God of the Bible! I hope this tool helps you in your study! Thank you for your encouragement. I am grateful I am able to serve in this way! Have a great day!