I am so thankful that God, in His wisdom, instructs us on how to use our opinions. God gave me the privilege of studying through Romans 14 during the end of the Presidential Election. I am so thankful He did. I struggled and struggled with others’ opinions of who we should elect as our next President. I knew in my heart who I could vote for and who I could not. Even knowing I still struggled with others’ opinions.
I am not saying we do not listen to good counsel and wisdom. We must! But at the end of our earthly days, each of us will give an account to Almighty God. I will not be standing with you, and you will not be standing with me. Each of us must do what we believe in faith is right before God! Opinions, opinions, opinions, we all have them, but why must we be careful in expressing them?
Opinions, We All Have Them!
Opinions!! We all have them! We make judgments and have our point of view on many matters. Opinions are excellent, and there is nothing wrong with having them. God gives us freedom in some areas of our Christian walk. But because of where we are in our walk with the Lord, our opinions may vary.
Notice, I said, “God gives freedom in some areas of our Christian walk.” There is so much noise today in the church about “judging.” In Romans 14:13, Paul says, “Let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this_ not to put a stumbling block in a brother’s way.” Remember, context is king when we are interpreting the Scriptures. God gives definite “Commands” and “Thou Shall Not” in His word. There are things that are not up for debate! But there are areas in which a believer can and must judge.
See my article, “Did you know the bible says we can judge.”
Each of us are in Different Stages of Maturity.
Each of us is in a different place in our walk with the Lord! I, for one, am growing in my thankfulness for this. It brings so much joy to my heart to see a young believer growing in their walk with Jesus. The excitement in their eyes and their voice when they share something new they have learned from the Word of God excites me!
To see their growing love for Jesus is contagious and humbling. It allows me to reflect on my walk. I am thankful for those who are more mature because of the wisdom that comes with spending so many years walking with the Lord. Watching them and learning from them also allows me to reflect on my walk with the Lord!
God’s so good and wise in the way He works! We are all in different places in our walk with the Lord, and our opinions on certain things may vary. Why is it important to be careful with our views? The fourteenth chapter of Romans gives insight into this critical subject.
Weak Faith is God-Centered
Every believer is in different stages of maturity and sanctification. But notice that Paul does make sure to point out that weak faith is still God-Centered. When saying we or our brothers or sisters in Christ are weak in faith in no way makes us without faith. Faith does all to the glory of God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. Romans 14:22.
Essential and Nonessential Matters!
I am in a different place; you are in a different place. Each of us in the word of God (Or we should be anyway) studying, learning, listening to, and applying what the Holy Spirit is teaching. Studying the word of God is not an opinion matter. The time, the number of days, and verses we study, that is an opinion. All believers must be in the word of God studying to show themselves approved unto God. 2 Timothy 2:15.
Even if we are studying and learning, we may still have differing opinions on none essential things. In this chapter, Paul is talking about eating, drinking, and observance of days. I used voting in this post because “in my opinion,” it lines up under the principle Paul is teaching.
I believe Paul is saying these things are none essential because, in Romans 14:17, he says this, “The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” It does not matter whether you eat meat or do not eat meat; it does not matter whether you drink or do not drink. But these things are essential: righteousness, joy, and peace!
These are the questions to ask, are we walking in righteousness or right conduct? As far as it depends on us, are we keeping peace with our brothers and sisters? Are we walking in the joy of the Holy Spirit?
Joy is the fruit of walking in righteousness and peace. Nobody receives or walks in true joy if we are “legalistically” laying down rules and laws in which to follow. All this does is cause division. There is no joy or peace in this kind of division.
Before My Master, I Stand or Fall!
You are not my master, and I am not yours! In all nonessential matters, each of us must be convinced in our own minds, by faith, what is right and what is wrong. I cannot judge you if you eat meat or _________________ and you cannot condemn me if I eat meat or _______________________. You can fill in the blank with nonessential!
God instructs Paul to say to each of us, “To his own master, he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.” Romans 14:4. Who is our master? The Lord God is our master, and before Him, we stand or fall.
We Live for the Lord and We Die for the Lord!
We must all be fully convinced in our own minds in what we can and cannot do. Our time here on this earth must be lived for the Lord. In whatever we do, “Whether we eat or we drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:30.
“Whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s!” Romans 14:8.
“The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God.” Romans 14:2
Do Not Tear Down the Work of God!
God works in each of His children at different times and in many ways. He uses different circumstances in our lives to guide and teach us, through the power and conviction of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and His word.
In knowing this we are to leave our opinions at the door so we do not tear down what God is building.
We do not want to be a stumbling block in matters of opinion. In love let us build each other up for edification. The desire for the growth of our brothers and sisters in the Lord should be our number one concern, not our rightful opinions!
This post goes along with our in-depth Bible Study in the book of Romans.
Romans will be added to the shop soon. Be sure and join our newsletter so you will be the first to know when it has arrived. While you wait on Romans to be downloaded into the shop, here is my James study ready for purchase and immediate download.
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yes – it’s so easy to be judgemental yet that’s God’s job! And He does such a better job at it! Blessings as you teach and learn at Jesus’ feet!
He does do a much better job doesn’t He, Sue! Thankful that He does!Thank you for your blessing! I am glad you stopped by today! God Bless:)
Well written, Lisa. This is a subject that is needed to be taught/learned and applied, with much prayer, of course.
Hi, Cindy! You are so right. We all have a lot of opinions. Not a subject we talk about a lot except to justify our own or put down others. Thank you for your encouraging words! Blessings:)