I can hear some of you asking shouldn’t we have a Jesus heart for the lost? I almost titled this post, “Do We Have A Jesus Heart for the Lost?” Because without “A Jesus” heart, we would not have a heart for the lost. So my answer is YES! We should have a Jesus heart for the lost. But I decided on, do we have a Paul heart for the lost instead because, in Romans 10, which is where we will be sitting today, we can hear the grief and sorrow for the lost nation of Israel through the words of the Apostle Paul.
In the context of Romans 10:1-3, Paul is referring to the lost nation of Israel. I want us to think broader than just Israel which I know Paul does because he moves from just Israel to Jew and Gentile in Romans 10:12. So I want us to think in terms of all lost souls! The same heart issues that plagued the nation of Israel also plague those who are not of the ethnic background of Israel.
“The same Lord is Lord of all! Romans 10:12
There is one thing I would like to point out before we dig deep into this chapter. Paul understood very well the Sovereignty of God in every man’s salvation! He taught this truth in chapter 9. But he never lets his knowledge of God’s Sovereignty interfere with his grieving for the lost. Believing God is Sovereign over the salvation of the lost soul should never interfere with our prayers or evangelism. God is Sovereign and in control of the lost soul but who He saves is in His secret counsel. You and I are the hands, feet, and mouthpiece for God. He is the one working in the hearts of those who will call upon His name.
Why is Paul Grieved Over the Lost?
According to Romans 10:2 some of Israel had a zeal for God but their zeal was not accompanied with knowledge. We can look back at Romans 9:31-32 and see what knowledge they lacked. They lacked faith in Jesus Christ! They pursued a righteousness of their own by their own works. Then we read in Romans 10:3 they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God! Israel stumbled over the stumbling stone, Jesus Christ. Faith says, “Christ is the end of the law for righteousness.”
Paul grieves over their lack of faith.
- He knows without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6.
- No one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ. John 14:6
Paul Grieves over their false Confession
Romans 10:9 teaches, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;” According to the text, Israel was confessing with their mouth their own righteousness. Which really says they are in complete control of their own lives. Jesus is not Lord of their life! If we confess Jesus as Lord what we are saying is we have no righteousness of our own to offer. We relinquish all of our own works and submit to Christ as Lord of our life.
“With the heart, a person believes resulting in righteousness.” Romans 10:10. First God must remove the heart of stone and give a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26. God through the power of the Holy Spirit works to open the heart of a man resulting in true confession, true confession calls on the name of the Lord for salvation.
Paul Grieves Because They Heard but Did Not Heed!
Maybe Israel did not hear about Christ! Paul grieves because he knows they heard!
” Their voice has gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.” Romans 10:10 Psalm 19:4
God says, “He stretched out His hand to a disobedient and obstinate people. They heard they did not heed.
Paul Grieves because One Day They Will be Judged.
It is appointed for men to die and after this comes judgment. Hebrews 9:27. One day each of us will die a physical death. Once this God-ordained day comes there will be no more hope of salvation, only judgment. Romans 2:5 says, ” because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God.” Those who do not confess Christ as Lord will go away into eternal punishment. Matthew 25:46.
Paul grieves because he knows their destiny without Christ. Do you grieve over the lost state of a man’s soul? Can you and I say with the Apostle Paul, ” I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart! For I could wish myself accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren?”
Go and Preach the Good News of Jesus Christ!
How will man hear the good news of Jesus Christ? How will they all on Him in whom they do not believe? According to Romans 10:14-17 God works through the preaching of His word. Hebrews 4:12-13 teaches that God’s word is alive and active. Do not be ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation to all who believe! Go preach and teach the good news of Jesus Christ to all that God places around you.
Romans In-Depth Bible Study$13.00 – $45.00
AMEN! When we look past the face, the hairstyle, the life style, and the religion there is a soul. A soul which will spend eternity in hell, if we don’t tell them about Jesus. I pray I will have a Paul Heart when it comes to others. Thank you for sharing such truth with Thankful Thursdays.
I am praying for a Paul heart also, Lori! The flesh can get so caught up in the superficial! Have a great week!
I have noticed in myself and in others, that as the years pass and the climate of our world becomes negative, I see the hearts for the lost slowly fading. Before we even know it, we can allow the frustrations into our hearts, building walls of bitterness and judgement. Thank you for sharing this reminder of truth here today, Lisa! It’s something I know I need to pray even more about!! Thanks so much for sharing this at #MomentsofHope!
Blessings and smiles,
Lori, as time goes by and the world gets more corrupt it is easy to get frustrated and bitter! I am so thankful that God in His Wisdom sees fit to remind us through His word to keep our eyes on Him and to pray for tender hearts. I have to stay in constant prayer about this.I beg God for a broken heart for the lost and reminders of who I once was! Blessings, Lisa:)