Be Doers of the Word: Look Intently At The Law of Liberty
James is writing to Jewish Christians scattered among the nations. Please do not stop reading the book of James because you do not think this is written to you the Gentile! Paul teaches in Romans 2: 25-29 that a Jew is one whose heart has been circumcised by the Spirit of God. He is a Jew who is one inwardly not one outwardly. Spiritually speaking all believers are grafted into the nation of Israel. Romans 11:17-23. So this book is written for all Christians at all times!
James’s message shows what the gospel of Jesus Christ should look like lived out in our everyday lives. There are a few things about the gospel that I believe will be helpful to keep in mind as we walk out our faith;
- The gospel does not show favoritism
- It tells the Truth the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth
- Is not manipulative, it is straight forward and bold
Let’s look at this book and see how we are to walk out our Christian life according to the gospel.
We are Responsible for Our own Actions!
We cannot blame God for any of our evil actions. James teaches each of us is tempted and carried away by our own lusts. He goes on to say, “God cannot be tempted by evil and he Himself does not tempt anyone.” Let’s not deceive ourselves about the goodness of God! There is no variation or shifting shadow in Him. Everything and every situation in our lives are always moving always changing. But not God! He is always good and never changes! He’s constant in His being. God is our constant and we can always count on Him!
[bctt tweet=”Situations in our lives are always moving always changing. But not God! He is always good and never changes! He is constant in His being. He is our constant. We can always count on Him!” username=”LisaMorris3703″]
Receive the word implanted
In His goodness and in the exercise of His free will He brought us forth, regenerated, and saved us through the word of Truth, the gospel. Paul teaches in Philippians 1:6,
“That He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
The same truth which saved us and brought us forth, is also the same truth that continually sanctifies. God is doing a good work in you and I. Remember all that He does is good and is for our good.
We must receive the word of truth, the good word of God that He implanted in us with joy. When we read or study the word of God our attitude should be one which listens with humbleness. We must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. Whatever God’s word instructs us to do, or whatever it teaches about the character of God, we are to receive it.
Why do we so often complain and murmur against something that is doing a good work in us?
Prove Yourself Doers of the Word
There is more to just hearing the word of God. True faith is a working faith! What good does it do if I sit and read or study the word, get up and go about my business and never think about or put into practice what God’s word instructs? God says in James 1:26, “that man’s religion is worthless.” However, the man who looks intently at the perfect Law, the Law of liberty, and abides by it will be blessed in what he does.
So you say you have faith. Where are the works? James says, ‘Faith without works is useless” Then he asks a very chilling question. A question that needs to stop us in our tracks! “Can that faith save you?” This question lays the whole foundation for the book of James. It is good to look at our faith, and I mean really look at our faith. Then ask ourselves this question, “am I forgetfull hearer or faithful doer?” Is my faith, is our faith, a working faith? You know what the word says, “Faith without is dead, it does not save.”
Works do Not Save!
Works do not save us. James is not contradicting what Paul taught in other books of the Bible. Paul teaches salvation comes by faith alone. James teaches True God-given faith is not alone. Faith and works, work together. Faith comes with good works for us to do. God prepared these works from before the foundation of the world for us to walk in. {Ephesians 2:10}
Fulfill the royal Law
When we live out the true gospel the Royal Law is fulfilled. What is the Royal law you may be asking? Jesus quotes the law in Matthew 22:37,
” Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and foremost commandment. The second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
James quotes the second part of this commandment in chapter 2 verse 9, calling it the Royal commandment.
I believe we can sum up the book of James with the Royal law. If we are loving God with all our hearts, souls, and minds then we will walk out the gospel truth by loving our neighbor as ourselves. You and I know very well that we do not live this out perfectly. I do not always love God with all my heart, soul, and mind, therefore I am not loving my neighbor as myself. Believer, do not lose heart! God gives the Holy Spirit of promise that guides, teaches, and trains. He’s given us His written word to teach, encourage, and correct us.
The book of James is filled with reminders of how to love others therefore showing our love for God. Believers do not fight against the word of God. Receive it, walk it out as we wait for the glorious return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Be a light in a dark place.
This message from James is so timely. It is so vitally important for the believer to be in the word of God renewing their minds and learning what the will of God is. That is what we have been doing at Conforming To The Truth. We read 17 New Testament books in 17 Weeks. Although the online group for this study has closed, I would like to continue to offer my FREE 17 Week Reading Plan Workbook to you! All you have to do is subscribe!!!
Love this ! Thank you .
1.The gospel does not show favoritism
2.The gospel tells the Truth the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth
3.The gospel is not manipulative, it is straight forward and bold
So great, I’m so thankful our paths have cross! you are a blessing to me. t.
Tonya, I am so thankful our paths crossed as well! Thank you for the encouragement! I am blessed by you:)
Amen, Lisa!
Praying that I will get into the Word and that the Word will change me!
Thanks for always pointing us back to scripture!
You are a blessing!
I am praying with you Melani! Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement!You are a blessing to me!
Hi Lisa, this is a great “wrap-up” of James – full of reminders of how we need to walk as Gods ambassadors. I love that God is our constant. Doing the 17 books thus far has been fantastic – although we are rattling through the books, it is making me slow down and read more intentionally. Thank you for bringing this to us. Blessings to you and yours.
Linda (NZ)
hi, Linda! Thank you for your words of encouragement! I am so thankful this reading plan has caused you to slow down and take in the word of God! God is our constant and I am so thankful! God Bless:)
Where it says to click the image below there is no image. Where can I find the 17 New Testament books work book ?