Guarding The Treasure: The Good News of Salvation
Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you. 2 Timothy 1:14
The days of Paul’s ministry are coming to an end. He finds himself in a cold cell {4:13} in chains {2:9}with no hope of deliverance {4:6}. According to 2 Timothy 1:15 all who were in Asia turned away from Paul except Onesiphorus who refreshed him and was not ashamed of his chains.
Paul is penning the last letter he will be guided to write. He addresses it to Timothy his true child in the faith. He encourages Timothy but at the same time urges him to stand firm in the faith, and to join him in suffering for the gospel. He exhorts him not to be ashamed of the gospel nor to be ashamed of him because he is in chains. I can hear him speaking to Timothy as a father or mother speaks to his or her own child as he says these words, “Timothy I am in prison but the gospel of Jesus Christ is not imprisoned it is not chained. I am enduring all things for the sake of the elect, those chosen by God before the foundation of the world so that they may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus. Timothy, the gospel must be preached for the sake of the elect. Do not be timid, kindle afresh the spiritual gift that has been given to you and go forth with the true gospel of Jesus Christ.”
turning from the truth to fables
Paul tells Timothy that a time will come when some men will not endure sound doctrine. The people:
- will want their ears tickled
- will want to feel good about themselves
- will want to be entertained
- will accumulate for themselves teachers that will teach what they desire to hear.
- will turn their ears from the truth
- will turn to myths, false ideologies, and viewpoints that will be in direct contrast to the truth of the word of God.
- will dictate what a preacher preaches, rather than what the word of God says.
Does this sound familiar?
In view of this Paul calls Timothy to guard and protect the true gospel. He urges him to preach the word, to be ready in season and out of season, in other words when it is not popular to preach the hard truths, do it anyway. Warn, correct, bring to light the truth of the gospel in contrast with error. Instruct with patience.
Realize this that in the last days difficult times will come. The phrase last days refers to this age, the days since the first coming of Christ. Men will go from bad to worse. What a list Paul writes of these difficult, fierce,violent, dangerous men. The list that Paul writes in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 is quite extensive. He is describing men that are self-centered, lovers of themselves, lovers of money, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. They have no self-control. Notice that the scripture teaches they hold to a form of godliness or religion, though they have denied its power. Jesus describes these men as sheep in wolves clothing. Matthew 7:15. They take on a form an outward shape of godliness. They are also described as men who oppose the truth, men of depraved minds, rejected in regard to faith. These men have been tested and are rejected or shown to be worthless. We are instructed through the scriptures to avoid such men. We are told that sooner or later their folly will be obvious.
Do we recognize these men of folly? Do we give hardy approval to their schemes? There are many today who are giving hardy approval to these men of depraved minds. In contrast to this, we are called through the word of God to continue in what we have learned from the scriptures and have become convinced of. The scriptures are able to give you wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
We live in difficult days, suffering and persecution for the cause of Christ are on the rise in our country. Do not be ashamed of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Fight the good fight of faith knowing in whom you have believed and be convinced that He is able to guard what you have entrusted to Him until the day of His second coming.
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
This message from Paul is so timely. It is so vitally important for the believer to be in the word of God renewing their minds and learning what the will of God is.
Why is it That Important to Memorize Scripture
Why I recommend the New Inductive Study Bible
I want to Know You… Studying the Attributes of God
Six Important Questions to Ask When You Study the Bible
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Lisa – this really hits home: will dictate what a preacher preaches, rather than what the word of God says. I see this all around me and it saddens my heart. I attend a small rural church which preaches the word of God, from the living bible. We sing hymns from piped music, as we don’t have a piano player or organist. We keep it simple and about Jesus. We don’t do fluff or entertain to draw a crowd, again we keep in simple and about Jesus. This is such a timely post in the times we are living in today. Another blessing in the truth. Praise God.
It is sad Brenda! I see it everywhere as well. God amazes me. He tells us in His word these things are ging to take place! He opens the believer’s eyes to seem them, yet protects us! Amazing! I am a member of a small church as well. Sounds like we worship in the same manner. Have a wonderful weekend!!God Bless.
Same to you Lisa. 🙂
I really enjoyed this. I am part of a small church, just as the other lady. We love Jesus, and study God’s Word. I am happy I found your blog! Count me in.
Hi, Jody! I am so glad you found my blog! I also attend a small church. A home church to be exact! I love it. Thank you for your sweet words! thanks for joining the blog:) If you would like the workbook that goes along with the reading plan let me know! God Bless!
Hello Lisa,
I have been refreshed by reading this post.
It has no fluff but is based fully on the word of God.
Paul’s message to the Christian blogging community is that we should never modify and tweak God’s message in an attempt lure crowds.
You are blessed.
Enjoy your weekend.
Hi Chizobam!
Thank you for your sweet words. My, goal no fluff just the Truth! All for His glory and our good:) Thank you for stopping by today! Enjoy your weekend as weel:)
Verse 15 is a clear reminder that we need to be diligent in our pursuit of God and the truths of the Scripture, isn’t it. The good news of salvation is certainly a treasure (v14), one which we should be sharing with others – in action as well as any spoken words we may share.
It’s amazing to be seeing many things afresh on reading the books we have gone through thus far, even though I have read them numerous times over many years. Thanks for the opportunity, Lisa.
It is amazing Linda, to see so many things afresh. The Bible was never meant to be read through one time and laid down. Do you agree? You are so right that salvation is a treasure and is to be shared with others through action and words! Thank you for sharing today! God Bless:)
There is so much to distract today isn’t there? Even in ‘christian’ circles. So much pulls away from Christ. I am even guilty of this and am constantly crying out to Him to help me discern what is from Him and what just sounds good and nice.
Megan, you are so right. so much to distract us today! I think you are on target when you say, “you are crying out to Him for discernment.” I do it on a daily basis. We as Christians have got to be in the word of God or we will be led astray! Thank you so much for dropping by today:) God Bless!
Hi Lisa! I’m stopping by from the Counting my Blessings link-up. Great post. Thank you for sharing. Blessings!
Hi, Stacey!It is always a pleasure linking up with Counting My Blessings!
Lisa, this is so good and timely! A good Bible teaching church is what I miss the most from back home. We attend a local church but cannot put a “stamp of approval” on it by becoming members. This is one of the things we’ve prayed about for the past 3 years and hopefully within the next couple of months, we will be moving on. Thank you for sharing the truth and for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.
Lori, it is a hard thing to leave a church. Our family had to do the same thing several years ago! I will e praying for your family! Have you found a Bible teaching church? Thank you for your kind words!