Message of encouragement: Knowing and Expressing our Faith
As I have read and re-read this book over the last several days I cannot help but think about the faith, the love, and the steadfastness of hope the Thessalonica church understood and expressed. This church was conceived under much tribulation and that tribulation continued after its conception. I think we forget, we do not think about, or do not grasp the fact that from the beginning of the church’s existence it has been under attack. News Flash, persecution, and suffering will never cease for the church. This is not our home. We are aliens and strangers in this place. Our call is to live victorious through Christ and call sinners to repentance amidst the hostility and persecution of the world. But as we can see through the words of this book we have a living hope and a gospel that comes with power!
knowing The Truth
There are several truths that we see Paul point out in this book that we need to know and understand as we walk out our faith. I believe the Thessalonica church got it! I want to get it too! How about you?
- The church is called to suffer
- There is HOPE. { A sure and steadfast hope.}
- The gospel has power through the Holy Spirit amidst tribulation.
We do a great injustice when we tell a new convert that the Christian life is easy. There are some who teach this and it should not be! Philippians 1:29 teaches, ” It has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him but also to suffer for His sake.” Remember we learned from our Philippians reading that we were graced with suffering. Grace holds us, protects us, and perseveres us. Praise God for His amazing Grace!
There is hope. The Thessalonica church stood on this hope! Remember the words of Paul in Romans:
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance, proven character; and proven character hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit who was given to us. {Romans 5:1-5}
- Our hope is in who God is!!
- Our hope is in the work of Christ; His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension.
- Our Hope is in the Holy Spirit of promise.
I was just reading through the first few verses as I sit here and write this post and I noticed something that I had not noticed before. God is so good:) In verse 1 Paul is greeting the church and in this address he makes this statement, ” To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Did you see it? The church is “IN” God and Christ Jesus. God protects the church through His Son Christ Jesus. Hope does not disappoint! It will never let us down. It will never let us go!
Expressing our Faith in Tribulation
Now we know the truth let’s express the truth that we possess. Knowing the Truth and “KNOWING THE TRUTH” are two different things. I can know something in my head but it does not affect my heart. The “KNOWING THE TRUTH” comes from the teaching and conviction of the Holy Spirit. Without the power that He gives through the gospel we will not KNOW! As a believer, God through the Holy Spirit has given us faith to believe. As we read His word, study His word, and pray, He grows our faith.
Paul says it this way in 1 Thessalonians 1: 5, ” For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.”
They received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit. God chose and called the church amidst tribulation during Paul’s’ time. God has chosen and will continue to call out His church through the tribulation we are in today. Notice they received the word in joy. The Holy Spirit graced them with His joy to receive and stand in the truth.
Paul, Timothy, and Silvanus continued to preach and teach with boldness the gospel amid much opposition. They had “THE TRUTH” the gospel message that must go forth. Today the truth of the word is under attack. Nothing new, right? Everything that is wrong is called right. Marriage and the family are under attack and Satan continues to spread lies. But we have the Truth just like Paul and the Thessalonica church that must go out. No matter the cost to us.
We must preach and teach this truth not as pleasing, man, but as pleasing God who examines the heart. Our boldness is rooted in God.
Expressing our Faith Without Compromise
God entrusted Paul with the gospel message. Because he was entrusted with the gospel of truth he speaks not to please man but to please God. He adds here that God is the one who judges the heart. Man judges the outward appearance but God judges the heart. Above anyone or anything, our loyalty and trust must be in God. For He is the one who called us out of darkness into His kingdom and glory!
As Paul walked out his faith in God he did so blamelessly, devout, and upright. He did not compromise the truth of the gospel to tickles ears. He spoke without error or impurity and there was no deceit in his words or his heart. Paul never spoke with flattery or a pretext for greed nor did he seek glory from men. The truth that he spoke was rooted in his love for God first and his affection for the believers and those whom he would share the gospel message. His motive, for the glory and honor of God and Christ Jesus, and to implore the believer to walk in a manner worthy of God.
As believers, we must strive for the same devotion that Paul had. Today the gospel message is distorted. Ears are being tickled and the flesh is being petted. All for greed and to be man pleaser. If there is true affection for other believers and the lost there must be no compromise with the truth of the gospel. Paul says in Romans 10 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ. Without the truth of the gospel which does offend, there will be no true faith. We must press against the agenda of the day and offend in order to save. Speaking the truth, speaking it in love will be costly but worth it. Let’s be in our word reading and studying so that we may learn what is pleasing to God so that we will walk out our faith pleasing our heavenly Father.
Finally, then, lets’ rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give thanks to God in everything!
This message from Paul is so timely. We live in a time that false teaching is rampant. Everything that is wrong is called right. But, praise God He has not left us without His word and the Holy Spirit. It is so vitally important for the believer to be in the word of God renewing their minds and learning what the will of God is.
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Once again Lisa, great message for our study week. What a blessing God is using you to do his will. 🙂
Thank you, Brenda! Your kind words are very encouraging. All for His glory! Looking forward to 2 Thessalonians!
Hi Lisa, I am loving doing the “17 Books”, in spite of not being able to be part of the Facebook group – though it would be lovely to have that interaction with others currently going through these books!. Thank you for your amazing post here as we conclude 1 Thessalonians. Greetings from NZ!
Hi, Linda! I am so thankful that you are enjoying reading Truth! I wish you could be apart of the facebook group but I am thankful that you are pressing on anyway. Thank you for your encouraging words:) Look forward to hearing from you again> Praying as you read 2 Thessalonians. God Bless!
So grateful for this truth: “We have a living hope and a gospel that comes with power!” Amen. Thanks for gleaning truths for us from 1 Thessalonians. Much good there!
Thank you, Lisa, for your sweet words of encouragement!!! Praising God for that living hope and the gospel that has such power! I am thankful you stopped by today:) God Bless!
Another great reminder, Lisa. I’m thankful for the hope we have in Jesus. I’m glad you pointed out the IN in verse 1, it is something I have never seen. I had to stop reading and highlight them because I have not heard any message on that phrase that I can remember. Thank you for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.
I have noticed the “In Christ, In Him,” but I too had not paid attention to the “In” in verse 1 until I was writing the post. What a comfort and a joy to know we are protected by the power of God! Thank you again for your encouragement! It is always a pleasure to visit you on Thursdays!