Joy on the journey: An Attitude LIKE CHRIST
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6
Paul begins this letter to the church at Philippi with an attitude of Joy. While confined in the walls of prison Paul still found great joy in writing this letter to his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. He was not looking at his present circumstance for he knew that it would turn out for the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He knows and understands that his imprisonment is for the cause of Christ. He learned there is joy in our Christian walk.
Keep Going With an Attitude of Joy
Paul’s heart beat  for the cause of Christ and he welcomed whatever that meant.  Whether it be  living in prosperity, being filled or  being hungry, having abundance and suffering.  He knew he had the strength of Jesus Christ
At the end of chapter 1 Paul reminds the believers in Jesus Christ that they have been called to a life of suffering;
 Whether it be  living in prosperity, being filled or  being hungry, having abundance and suffering.  He knew he had the strength of Jesus Christ to do all things that God called him to do.  What a Christ-like attitude!
At the end of chapter 1 Paul reminds the believers in Jesus Christ that they have been called to a life of suffering;
For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake experiencing the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear to be in me.
Suffering Tests Our Faith
Notice that suffering is granted. Let’s look at the definition of this word to get a better grasp of what Paul is teaching in this passage.
Granted (5483) (charizomai [word study] from charis [word study] = grace, unmerited favor) signifies a gift of grace and is the same verb Paul used in Php 2:9 (note) to describe the “bestowal” of the Name above every name upon Jesus. Suffering for the sake of Christ is the gift of grace or as both Barclay and Phillips put it “the privilege”
James teaches in {James 1:2} to consider it ALL joy when you encounter various trials. Peter teaches the same thing in his letter, {1 Peter 1:6} to greatly rejoice, even though for a little while you may be distressed by various trials. The outcome first is for the glory and honor of Christ and for His name sake. The second, the testing of our faith.
Let Suffering Have its Good Work
This attitude is completely opposite of what we hear taught today. Run from affliction. Do everything you can to make yourself comfortable. Sound familiar? I see this in myself at times, to run from affliction and suffering. But according to the word of God we have been graced with suffering and affliction. We are called to stand firm in it and not run away. James writes through the prompting of the Holy Spirit to let endurance have its perfect work. So that you/we may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Boy, I have a lot to learn in this area of my Christian walk. How about you?
Jesus: Our Example
After reminding us that we are graced with suffering Paul leads us to Christ. We are instructed to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus. We are to do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit but with humility regard others as more important than ourselves.
Christ is our greatest example of finding joy in our walk.
This is exactly what Christ did when He left His heavenly place, emptied Himself, took on the form of a bond-servant, and took on the likeness of man. This does not in any way teach that Christ was no longer God or was no longer deity.
Jesus is and always will be equal to God and He claimed this during His earthly ministry. See {John 5:18: John 10:33: John 14:9: John 20:28 and Hebrews 1:1-3} What this does teach is that Christ for a time left His position in heaven came to earth according to the good pleasure of His Father:
- He was born of a virgin
- He lived under the Law without sinning
- He was hung on a cross
- He suffered and died
- He was buried and on the third day rose from the dead
- He ascended into heaven
- He seated with the Majesty on high
- He Lives to intercede for the saints until which time He will come to takes us home with Him.
For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus Every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11
Finally! Rejoice in the Lord
Keeping the work of Christ forefront in our hearts and minds  we are instructed to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We are to do all things without grumbling or disputing, to live above reproach that we might shine as lights amidst a crooked and perverse generation.
Finally, rejoice in the Lord. Be aware of the evil workers, test the spirits to see if they are from God, {1 John 4:1} Forget what lies behind and press on toward the upward goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Never forget that you are not alone. Your brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering the same affliction as you are. Pray for each other and encourage each other as we eager await the return of our great God and Savior!
This message from Paul is so timely. We live in a time that false teaching is rampant. Everything that is wrong is called right. But, praise God He has not left us without His word and the Holy Spirit. It is so vitally important for the believer to be in the word of God renewing their minds and learning what the will of God is.
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Definitely a timely message. It seems everywhere I turn I meet those who have their own belief mixed in with maybe a little of the bible and a little of this and that. Of course there is nothing new as the Word says but because of TV, social media we are able to hear it all. Easy to see why it’s hard to speak straight bible to people, everyone wants their own religion to live. Good post.
You are correct Betty when you say everyone wants their own religion to live. That is a true sign of someone in need of Christ! They looking in all the wrong places. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless.
Thank-you for the reminder that the journey (all parts) can be walked with joy. And I love thinking about Jesus setting His face like flint for the “joy set before Him.” Thanks for sharing!
You are welcome Brooke! Thank you for sharing the Hebrews passage!I had to go and read it! Great reminder! Have a great week:)
We definitely live in society that runs from affliction. Those hard spots are where God’s utter faithfulness come to life, like the oxygen for our breath. Paul was, indeed, on to something, eh? Visiting via #intentionalTuesday. Have a blessed day!
You are right, Kristi, we run from affliction! I have to be reminded that God uses it to show His power and to grow and strengthen. Paul knew exactly what he was talking about:) Thank you for stopping by! God Bless!
We studies Philippians in our Bible study a few years back. I was amazed at all the individual verses it had in it that we commonly use today. A very rich book. Good information on it here too!
Thank you, Traci! Philippians is definitely full of richness! God’s word is timely for all ages. God Bless!
If we would only just stick to the Word of God and NOT listen to the world’s ways….
The Word of God…the ONLY authority on which to base a life. Thanks for the reminder!
You are welcome Kelly! Yes, God’s word is the only authority in which to base our life. Praising God that He reminds us over and over in His word!
Certainly a timely message-thank you for sharing! We were in Philippians this Sunday at church!
You are welcome Allison! God’s word is for all time! Praise Him that it is always active! Thank you for stopping by today! God Bless:)
I have to remember that suffering builds strength and perseverance that ease never does. When I pray for God to use a present difficulty, He always shows up.
Jennifer, it is so easy to get caught up in fighting against suffering that we do forget that God uses it to show His power in us. He does strengthen us through it. Glad you stopped by today. God Bless!
I love what you pull out here about Grace, I have never looked at it that way. As I was reading I thought that the reason because of this is that we would be conformed into His image by the very same process He went through. That’s amazing and when looked through that lens in indeed a gift.
I think that Jesus never once says He is God, our understanding of the Word God forces us to think that He must be God to be Divine. The true Hebrew meaning if the word God has nothing to do with Divinity but leadership and power. See Strong’s H410. The Greek language also makes some differentiation but it’s not as clear. So in a nutshell Jesus can still be Divine without putting Himself above or on the same level as the Father which He never did. Hope that makes sense 🙂
Philippians is one of my favorite books. So filled with joy–and yet Paul writes from a Roman prison. Suffering is not an experience any of us choose, but it is an opportunity for God to display his power in and through us.
I love the book of Philippians too! I agree Leigh, suffering is not something I would choose. Matter a fact I try to avoid it at all costs.God does use it to demonstrate His power and to refine us. Thanks for stopping by today!God Bless:)
A powerful book of the Bible! And choosing joy over our circumstances, is not something in our flesh we can do! Praise God, we have Christ in us! Thanks Lisa.
Yes, Ellen! Praise God we have Christ in us. Philippians is a powerful book. Packed with so much truth for us who believe!You are welcome! Thank yu for stopping by:) God Bless!
Truth is truth and no thing can surpass all the The Word has to tell us. Yet, hardened hearts and closed ears and eyes keep so many from God’s beautiful Truth. Thank you for sharing such a good message.
Yes, Linda, Truth is Truth! Nothing we say or do cab change that. You are so right, hardened hearts and closed eyes and ears hide that wonderful Truth! Praising God that He gives eyes to see and ears to hear His Truth! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! God Bless, thank you for stopping by and sharing today!
Hi, Lisa! I love the book of Philippians, it is full of little nuggets of encouragements and reminders. Standing firm is something I needed this week. Thank you for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.
I love the book of Philippians as well, Lori! It is so full of encouragement. I am grateful it helped you this week! God Bless!