Put on your armor because the church is under attack!
Paul went to Ephesus on his third missionary journey. He spent three years in this city preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. God was performing extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul. Many believed and were confessing and disclosing their ungodly practices, witchcraft being one we learn about in Acts 19:17-20. We see in this same passage that many who practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of everyone. The word of the Lord was growing mightily and prevailing.
Whenever the word of God is prevailing you can count on a disturbance! Ephesus was known for its temple of Diana(Artemis), it was an important commerce of the city. Paul had persuaded and turned away a considerable number of people, telling them that gods made with the hands of man are no gods at all. (Acts 19) A craftsman by the name of Demetrius, who manufactured silver shrines of Diana incited a riot against Paul, concerned that his trade would become obsolete and that the temple of the great goddess Artemis would be regarded as worthless and that she, whom all Asia and the world worshiped would be dethroned from her magnificence.
The Letter of Ephesians
Paul wrote this letter to the church in Ephesus while in prison in Rome. The letter was sent by Tychicus to the believers in this city. (Ephesians 6:21)
We enter the book of Ephesians with Paul’s eruption of thankfulness and praise for the abundant blessings that God through Jesus Christ has bestowed on the beloved. This book can easily be broken into two sections ; Chapters 1-3 the doctrine of salvation: Chapters 4-6 the believer’s walk of faith.
In spite of the battle that is going on around these believers their faith in Jesus Christ is strong and there is a great love for the brethren. Two signs of a true church. I believe they have learned and are learning the principle of putting on the full armor of God!
Our Armor Is Christ Jesus
According to the first three chapters of Ephesians, God has given us everything we need to stand firm. Our armor is Christ Jesus. 18 times {There could be more, I just glanced and counted these} in the first 3 chapters we find the words:
- In Christ
- In Him
- In His Flesh
- In Whom
- In the Beloved
Before the foundation of the world, God predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ. In the Beloved God freely bestowed saving grace on those whom He chose. We have redemption through the blood of Christ, forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of His glory. After listening to the message of truth, The Gospel, and believing through the gift of God’s faith and grace we were sealed in Christ with the Holy Spirit of promise. God has given us the Holy Spirit as a pledge of promise that nothing can separate us from His love that is in Christ Jesus.
Taking up the full armor of God
We live in an evil time. Everything that is wrong is called right. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, {Cloth yourselves in Christ} so that you will be able to resist in the day of evil.
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against Satan and his demons. So stand firm by putting on and girding yourselves with:
- Truth: Christ is Truth
- Righteousness: Christ is our righteousness
- The Gospel: Christ is the message of the Gospel
- Faith: Christ is our faith
- Salvation: Christ is our salvation
- Sword of the Spirit: Christ is the Word
Having done everything to stand, pray. Pray at all times in the Spirit. Pray for yourselves and all the saints. It is a battle but we have the strongest battle armor, Christ Jesus Himself! He fights for us. We need only to stand firm.
Bow your knee before the Father, girded with the armor that comes with your salvation!
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Loving going through the books, Lisa, even though not able to be in the Facebook group! Ephesians was a book I devoured as a teenager, and is still wonderful to read 50 years later!! I think it was the reading of Ephesians in particular, but also the other letters of Paul, as a young person that gave me a lifelong love of the whole worldwide Body of Christ. It’s great to know others from other parts of the globe are reading and learning the same parts of scripture at the same time!!
I am grateful Linda, that you are loving going through the New Testament Books. It is wonderful to know that other sisters in Christ are reading together in Gods Word. It is such a joy for me to see. Thank you for your encouragement! Please keep in touch and let me know how God is growing you through His word! Have a great weekend! God Bless:)