What is the mark of a true believer? Do you ever ask yourself this question? If you do not, you should. When you ask this question, where do you go to find the answer? The only place that has the complete, correct answer is the Word of God. God graciously warns and supplies us with everything we need to know leaving us without any excuses.
Placed between Paul’s worship of Christ and His setting the believer free from their condemnation of sin, he briefly stops to give a picture of a true believer and an unbeliever.
I use the term “true believer” because there are many today who wear the title of a believer, but their habitual pattern of life does not line up with what the word of God describes as a true believer. I look at myself sometimes, and I have to say, “Lisa, what you just did and what you just thought does not line up with what the word of God says!” Can you relate? I am quickly reminded of Romans 7: 14-25.
Romans 7 teaches that a true believer is still bound in this body of death. There are times I do not do what I want to do. There are times I am doing the very thing that I hate. So, how do I look any different from the man Paul describes as being in the flesh? There is a difference between the two. What is the difference? The difference is their mindset.
God Supplies All Our Needs
Romans 8:1-4, teaches the requirements of the Law are fulfilled in those who walk according to the Spirit. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:5-8, give a contrast and a warning. I love that the word of God never leaves you guessing, nor does it gloss over anything. There are teachings within teachings, and reminder after reminder. God uses His word as a testimony to His goodness and His justice.
I am glad that God spells it out for me. He knows that I am but dust. Psalm 103:14, “For He Himself knows your frame; He is mindful that we are but dust.” He knows we need teaching, warning, and guiding.
Test Yourself
This passage of scripture serves as a warning for anyone who calls themselves a believer. Here are a couple of passages that urge a believer to test himself.
Test yourself to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you_ unless you fail the test? 2 Corinthians 13:5
Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent in making certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will neer stumble. 2 Peter 2:10
The Mind Set on the Flesh
In light of what these two verses teach, let’s go to Romans 8:5-11 and see the contrast between these two opposite people.
For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit the things of the Spirit. Romans 8:5
Do you see the difference? Those who walk according to the flesh have their minds set on the flesh. Your mind will take you in the direction that it is set. What does walking in the flesh look like? We can go back to Romans 1 and to Galatians 5:19-21 and answer this question.
The man walking according to the flesh is focused on self and his own desires. His mind is not set on God through Christ. If your mind is not set on the things above but rather on earthly things you will produce the deeds of the flesh.
Here is a description and the outcome of the mind set on the flesh in Romans 8:5-8.
- The mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God.
- The mind set on the flesh does not subject itself to the Law of God.
- The mind set on the flesh cannot please God.
- The mind set on the flesh does not have peace.
- The mind set on the flesh does not have the Spirit of Christ.
- The mind set on the flesh does not belong to Christ.
- The body is dead because of sin.
The outcome of the mind set on the flesh is death. Remember, death is not just physical but spiritual and eternal death.
The Mind Set on the Spirit
However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. In Romans 8:9-11 we see the description and the outcome of the mind set on the Spirit.
- The mind set on the Spirit is friendly toward God.
- The mind set on the Spirit subjects himself to God.
- The mind set on the Spirit has peace with God
- The mind set on the Spirit pleases God
- The mind set on the Spirit has the Spirit of Christ dwelling in him.
- The mind set on the Spirit does belong to Christ.
- Though the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is alive because of righteousness. This righteousness is Christ’s righteousness, not ours.
The outcome of the mind set on the Spirit is life, guaranteed a new resurrected body. Why? Because the Spirit of Christ dwells in them.
How do we walk away from what Paul is teaching in this passage? Test yourself to see if you are in Christ. Remember, God’s word is a lamp unto our feet. It guides and takes us down the right path. God’s word gives us everything we need to test the spirits to see if they are from Him.
Lisa, can we sit down with a cuppa? #likeminds #16 at frogs lily pad linkup.
I would love to Susan!!! Thank you for stoppong by today, you have encouraged my heart!
I just read Romans 8 earlier this week. I went back on jotted down the list of the mind set on the Spirit in my notes. I love this! Thank you for your work on sharing this Bible study, Lisa. I pray the Lord blesses you for it and that the study will get before the eyes and hearts of those who are searching for more. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.
Lori, thank you so much for your prayers! I am so grateful you were able to use this study! God Bless!
Wonderful! I find that as we grow in Christ, the more we begin to desire the things of His Spirit. Thanks so much for writing and for your wonderful insights!
Thank you for your sweet encouraging words! I agree, the more we grow in Christ the more we desire the things of the Spirit! Thank you so much for stopping by today!