Today as we walk through Romans 4:24-25 I want us to think about the importance of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Believe it or not, there are many so-called “professing Christians” who do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This fact is central to Christianity. Without it, our faith is worthless. Look at what 1 Corinthians 15:16-17 teaches:
For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless: you are still in your sin.
There are three things to point out from this passage. Two of these points parallel the Romans passage we are going to study today.
- If Christ is not raised from the dead we will not be raised from the dead.
- If Christ is not raised from the dead our faith is worthless.
- If christ is not raised from the dead we are still in our sin.
If Christ is Not Raised From the Dead
But for our sake also, to whom it will be credited, as those who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, He who was delievered over because of our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification. Romans 4:24-25
Our faith is based solely on the atoning work of Christ. The atonement includes:
- The Birth
- The Life
- The Death
- And The resurrection of Jesus Christ.
All of these points are crucial to our faith! In the Romans passage, Paul is emphasizing the importance of the resurrection of Christ. He teaches that Christ was delivered over because of our transgression. Transgression is overstepping our boundaries. God has set boundaries for mankind. He says thou shall not and man says I shall. This is sin, not being obedient to the commands of God. He determined before the foundation of the world that Christ would die on the cross for our sin and be resurrected for our justification.
How does this connect with the teaching in the 1 Corinthian passage? Paul teaches in Corinthians that we would still be in our sin had it not been for the resurrection of Christ. We cannot separate the resurrection of Christ and God delivering him over for our sins. They are one in the same. We cannot have one without the other. Otherwise, our faith is worthless.
Without the resurrection, we would still be in our sin! My faith, your faith knows that we can do nothing to save ourselves from the wrath of God.
Our faith says:
- I am redeemed from the penalty of my sin through the work of Christ on the cross,
- I am redeemed through the shedding of His own blood for the forgiveness of my sin.
Our faith says:
- God raised Him from the dead signifying His acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice!
- The power of sin and death are dead.
Our faith says:
- I cannot, but He did!
The Resurrection Shows God’s Satisfaction
“Christ was raised because of our justification.” Romans 4:25.
Christs resurrection from the dead shows the satisfaction of God with His Sons sacrifice. Isaiah teaches this truth better than I could ever say it.
But the LORD was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief: If He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see His offspring. He will prolong His days, and the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand.
As a result of the anguish of His soul;. He will see it and be satisfied: By His knowledge the righteous one, My Servant, will justify the many, as he will bear their iniguties. Isaiah 53:10-11
Our justification rests on the Work of Christ:
- His Birth
- His Life
- His Death
- His resurrection!
I am praising God today that He raised His Son from the dead! Christ is seated at the right hand of the majesty on High making intercession for His own! Will you praise Him and thank Him today for all He has done through His Son!
Amen! Even well-meaning Christians constantly forget this. Such good wholesome truth to start my day, THANK YOU! I am so inspired and encouraged by your writings!
Yes, Molly they do! You are welcome!!!! I am grateful you received encouragement for your day. God’s word is the best encouragement we can get! Thank you for your sweet words:) God Bless!
A good reminder! It’s so easy to forget.
It is easy to forget Karin! I am grateful for reminders too! Thanks for stopping by and sharing today:) God Bless!
Yes – what a victory He has accomplished, and we are so blessed to be part of it all.
Yes, we are so very blessed to be a part of it!! Thanks for sharing today Marissa:) God Bless!
Amen! It’s a scary thought to think what would happen if He has never been raised from the dead!
It is a scary thought, Caroline! Praise Him we do not have to think about it. There is victory!
we need to be reminded of the importance of the resurrection
Yes! We need to be reminded often!
As we celebrate Christmas we must realize the absolute importance of the resurrection. The incarnation is just the beginning of the story. Great post! I am glad that you visited my blog. Blessings and joy the Christmas season.
Yes, Carol, the incarnation is only the beginning! Thank you for your encouraging words today! I am grateful that you stopped by:) God Bless!
The resurrection is central to the Christian faith. The deity of Jesus, the virgin birth, the blood atonement, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and the inherency of Scripture are what set Christianity apart from all other so called religions. Christ’s death and resurrection is God’s victory over death! Praise God!
Yes, Johnathan, All of these points are central to the Christian faith and they do set us apart! Praising God with you for Christ’s death and resurrection!
You have such a gift for to present Jesus in a clear and concise way. I love how your posts are organized and your beautiful graphic. Keep up the awesome work.
Thank you, Sam, for your kind words of encouragement! I pray that Christ shines through every post! Thank you for stopping by:) God Bless!
That’s the whole point of our Christianity “Everything Jesus DID”.
Thank you for breaking this down and free PDF lesson too!
Hugs and Blessings to you
Yes, Everything that Jesus did is the whole point! I am afraid some pick and choose! We cannot, it is the entire works of Christ! So grateful for your understanding! you are welcome, Ifeoma! I pray the posts and the lessons are a blessing and a help!
Praise God for Jesus! I am so thankful that He died and rose again for me!
Praising God with you Helen, that He sent His Son to die and through His power raised Him from the dead for our justification!!!
This reminds me that we can’t pick and choose what we want to believe. We have to take the whole Bible at it’s word.
Oh, yes, Tara, that is exactly right! No picking and choosing. We have to take the whole word! It is so refreshing to hear you say that. I know so many who pick and chose! It breaks my heart!
This is beautifully written! You truly have a gift – I am thankful to have read this post and have your well-thought out explanation!
Thank you, Erin, for your sweet words of encouragement! I hope you have been blessed with God’s word! Glad you stopped by tonight:) God Bless!
What a great way to explain this, I really like how you have broken it down! And the picture of making it a prayer and a call for us to understand the resurrection is really powerful!
Thank you, Cathy! I am humbled by your kind words of encouragement! All for His glory and the good of His people! God Bless:)